Dodged a Bullet... Or Akuma

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Out of the corner of her eye, Marinette saw something black. She turned her head to look at it and let out a small gasp at the sight.

An akuma.

"What?" Adrien asked, noticing the fear in her eyes. He turned and jumped.

Marinette quickly got up and ran from under the stairs, grabbing Adrien's hand and pulling him with her.

~ s q u i g g l e s q u i g g l e ~

"Get closer akuma!" Hawkmoth ordered. He didn't exactly know why, but he needed this victim. He got a feeling that this one would be powerful than all the rest. That this victim could actually get Chat Noir and Ladybug's Miraculous.

~ s q u i g g l e s q u i g g l e s q u i g g l e ~

Marinette watched as the akuma got closer and closer. "Uh..." she started, panicking.

"What do we do?" Adrien asked.

"Well, it doesn't want you, it wants me, so I run... I think." Marinette tried.

"No, that's not gonna work! It can chase a moving car!" Adrien replied, remembering what happened to Riposte. He quickly stood in front of Marinette, even though he was obviously stressed.

"Alright, um..." Marinette thought. Marinette looked around and spotted a rock on the ground. Her eyes lit up, an idea quickly forming in her head. She picked up the stone.

"Marinette, this isn't the time for rock collecting!" Your Chat Noir is showing, my dude. Adrien said, his voice sounding stressed and panicked.

Marinette threw the rock at the akuma, the object dropping to the ground. She watched as the akuma was consumed by the rock, black fog with hints of lavender surrounding it. Once the strange-looking mist vanished, she was relieved to see nothing but a black rock with bright lavender lines on it.

~ s q u i g g l e s q u i g g l e s q u i g g l e s q u i g g l e ~

"Are you kidding me?! What am I going to do with a rock?!" Hawkmoth shouted, banging his staff on the ground in annoyance. The white butterflies around him flew away from the man.

~ s q u i g g l e s q u i g g l e s q u i g g l e s q u i g g l e s q u i g g l e ~

Marinette grabbed a pastel pink handkerchief out of her purse, careful not to show Adrien Tikki, and used it to pick up the akumatized rock. Adrien stared at her in confusion.

The girl looked at him. "What? Would you want to touch an akumatized object?" Marinette asked, narrowing her eyes when she said 'you'.

Marinette looked around, pretending to think about where she should put the rock. She walked up to a nearby trashcan, the same color as the stairs she and Adrien were just under, and pretending to throw the rock away. She instead squeezed the wrapped object tighter in her hand to make it look like she wasn't holding anything, before slipping the rock, still wrapped in the handkerchief, into her back pocket so she could purify it later.

"Marinette... the akuma was after you." Adrien realized. "Akumas only target people who are upset. Is something wrong?"

Marinette hated the fact that Adrien was concerned. "I bet you can answer that question on your own. You said yourself, just now, that akumas only target those who are feeling negative emotions. So, of course, something is wrong!" Marinette ranted, an angry look on her face.

Adrien's eyes widened, slightly shocked at Marinette's yelling. "Eheh, yeah, I guess that was a stupid question." he said, putting a hand on the back of his head, his cheeks tinted a light shade of pink, out of embarrassment. "Um, would you like to talk about it?"

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