✧ advice: coming out ✧

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     Coming out could be the most emotionally frustrating thing you could ever experience. The situation is different for everybody. It could be your family, friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, or even a random stranger. Here's some advice that might help you with this process.


     Yes, we should always try to own who we are and be true to ourselves. However, if you think that coming out might be dangerous for you, might have negative implications on your life, or some other bad effect as a result, then wait. Wait until you are able to live without this person, are safe where they cannot hurt you.

     Being apart of the LGBTQ+ community is really beautiful, but it can also paint a target on your back. Before coming out to someone you depend on, could do you serious harm, or anything of that sort, always think rationally about the worst-case scenario.


     When coming out, brace yourself for a multitude of reactions. "What? You don't look gay?", "I don't care", and even complete acceptance are perfectly normal. Every reaction is normal. Depending on the person, their entire relationship with you might change. It might not change at all. Just know, anything can happen.


You might get told a lot of things about your identity after coming out. "It's just a phase", and "You're too young to know" are some examples. But remember that just because you're young or just because you don't have the most experience with this community, it does not mean that your feelings and your identity are not valid.

Even if it is a phase, it's valid. Your feelings are your feelings, and only you know the truth. Just because your feelings change doesn't mean that they were any less true.


Coming out might lead to not being accepted. And when your identity is rejected by the people who you are closest to, it can lead to a really bad case of loneliness. You might still have people who accept you, but losing those key players in your life can change everything. Just remember that there are always people who will care about you. Our inbox is always open!


Figure out which way you want to come out. Ideas include...
• leaving a note
• having a sit down talk
• outing yourself using jokes ayy
• ask to go to pride
• text or phone call

we wish you the best in coming out!

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