He hugs her back and says, "No offense Rita, but I didn't really do much.. I was actually pretty helpless."

She pulls away from him. "No, if you hadn't been there with him, he could still be laying in the street. Because of you, he made it home to me." She caresses the sides of his face, earning a smile from the boy. "He's lucky to have you."

"Well, I'm lucky to have him too. Real lucky."

An hour passes and Jimin goes to check on Yoongi.

He knocks twice and then goes in, seeing Yoongi laying there watching tv. "Hey, how ya feelin?" Jimin asks closing the door behind him. Yoongi mutes the tv and replies, "I feel like shit." He chuckles though trying to lighten the mood.

Jimin sits down in the chair next to the bed and Yoongi instantly feels something is wrong. "What is it Jimin?"

Jimin glances over at the older. "I just feel awful about earlier. I wish I could have done more."

Yoongi sighs as he tries to adjust himself in the bed.

"No, listen. You got beat up because of me.. I should have been the one to take it, not you."

Yoongi shifts his head towards Jimin, giving him a glare. "Jimin, if they had done this to you, there's no telling what I would have done. No one is going to hurt you. Not on my watch."

Jimin lowers his head with a sigh.

Yoongi doesn't say anything, he just stares at the younger waiting for his next move. Jimin finally lifts his head and begins to talk. "They were bruises."

Yoongi raises his eyebrows. "What were bruises?"

"On my abdomen. That's what you saw the other night in the kitchen. They were fr-"

"Jimin, you don't have to tell me if you don't want too."

"No!" It became silent for a few seconds, them just staring at each other. "I want too. I should've already."

Yoongi swallows and nods his head, giving Jimin his full attention.

"They're from my dad. Sometimes he drinks a little too much, because he's sad about my mom and I end up dealing with it."

Yoongi furrows his brows in anger. "What! Your dad beats you?!"

Jimin nods.

"You need to tell someone! We can tell my mom, I'm sure she would let you live here if yo-"

"No!! I'm not telling anyone. If my dad found out I was telling you.. he'd kill me!"

Yoongi wasn't going to have this. "Jimin, you can't just keep letting your dad beat on you just because he's sad. You deserve better than that."

Jimin stands from the seat and paces in the room, running his hand through his brown hair. "You don't get it.. he might be a jerk sometimes but he's still my dad. He might drink way too much alcohol but he's still there. It's not like my biological parents were fucking there for me! At least my dad actually wanted me! So yeah, maybe he does beat on me every now and then but at least he hasn't abandoned me!"

Yoongi's once angered expression had fallen to gloomy eyes. It was hard to hear the words coming from Jimin's mouth. Piercing his heart while they came out of Jimin like vomit, leaving such an awful taste.

"It wasn't always bad. We used to be a happy family. Before my mother died. He blames me for it ya know. That's why he beats me.. I mean, I guess if he says it's my fault then it is. Maybe I do deserve it."

"What?!" Yoongi gasps. "That's not true! You don't deserve that! It doesn't matter if you had a part in it, you were just a child! You couldn't help that!"

"Yeah well, that's why." He looks down at the ground for a few seconds and then smiles to himself. "I still remember her. My mom." He looks back up at Yoongi who was still focusing all his attention on the younger. "You know what I remember the most?"

Yoongi shakes his head.

"I remember her blonde hair and big blue eyes. The way her nose crinkled up when she didn't like something. The way her arms felt wrapped around me as she rocked me to sleep. I would lay my head on her chest and I could feel her heart beat. It was so soothing." His eyes began to water. "I remember the way she looked at me. Like I was perfect. She might have not been my birth mother, but she loved me like she was." A tear falls down his puffy pink cheek.

"And you really loved her, didn't you?"

Jimin nods as more tears start to fall. "So much, and I still do. I miss her Yoongi and it's so hard just being there with my dad. I don't know how much longer I can take it."

Yoongi motions him to come over, so Jimin does. He sits on the edge of the bed as Yoongi takes his hand. "When I graduate, I'll get a place, and you can move in with me and you'll never have to deal with your dad again. Okay?"

Jimin sniffles as he wipes his face. "You promise?"

Yoongi nods, "I promise kid."

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