Chapter 8: No Time For Questions

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"I've said it once, girl, and I'll say it again – no one is allowed entry unless the Sun King himself allows it."

I glared at the guard before me, not sure if I was more annoyed at the fact that he wouldn't let me into the palace or that his armor was so fucking shiny that the light reflecting off it just about blinded me to the point where I had to keep squinting at him. "Look, I've been here before. Sun King Avad knows me. I met him when I came here with Aloy. You do know Aloy, right?"

The guard growled. "I suppose you're going to tell me you know the Sun King's champion as well?"

Really? That's what they're calling her? She'll hate that. "Listen, you. I've been on the road for a long time, I've had a really shit month, and I'm getting really sick of people ruining my day."

He smirked. "Not my problem. Now turn around and go back to..." He looked at my clothing – a mismatched collection of Nora and Oseram garments – before shaking his head. "Wherever you came from."

Sighing, I turned and faced the bustling city of Meridian. It was midday – the sun beat down on the mesa and the heat radiating from the massive metal structures that lined the streets didn't help at all.

I was tired, hungry, and sore. I'd traveled all the way from GAIA Prime, stopping only when I needed to and accepting help wherever I could get it. Using my Focus, I had been able to navigate back to Nora territory, where this really nice family had taken pity on me and allowed me to stay with them for the night. They'd given me more suitable clothing the following day and so I continued, taking breaks in a few towns on the way before finally arriving in Meridian earlier in the morning. I'd decided to head to the palace first since I had no idea where Aloy or any of our friends were. Avad hadn't been especially helpful the last time we approached him for help, but I figured it was worth a try.

Fantastic. This was perfect – the clowns ruling Meridian were of no help, I had no way of contacting Aloy since she had severed any kind of link between Focuses when she took the Eclipse network down (shit, I didn't even know if she was all right let alone where she was), and it's not like I knew anyone else that could-

Wait. I was an idiot.

"Hey!" I practically shouted at the guard. He jumped a little and for a small (small) moment, I felt a little guilty. "Do you know where I can find Erend?"

The guard eyed me suspiciously before letting out an exasperated sigh. "And just why should I give out information on the whereabouts of the captain?"

This was getting annoying. I rolled up the thin sleeve on my left arm that covered my implants. I had gotten the sleeve just as a precaution since I didn't know how people might react when they saw them. I held out my arm toward the guard. His expression rapidly transitioned into one of surprise as he gaped at the glowing blue plates that had been woven into my arm.

"I have a bunch on my leg just like these," I explained. "I got them on the Bitter Climb a year ago."

The guard blinked several times before he seemed to find his voice. "You were there, then?"

I rolled down the sleeve. "Yeah. You?"

"I-I was ordered to remain here, but I knew several of the Vanguard who accompanied Aloy and...well, you I suppose."

Nodding, I decided to try again. "Aloy and I were separated – I haven't seen her in a month. Do you know where she is?"

His voiced softened. "No. I saw her pass through these gates to see the Sun King, but I did not speak to her."

Out of Cryo - Season 2 | A Horizon: Zero Dawn FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora