New life

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Well just about a month ago I woke up surrounded by many people talking in whispers, angry face starring right back at me couple of smile and some blank faces.
I wasn't really welcomed since me turning into a huge fluffy dog wasn't supposed to happened it rarely does. It goes like this
You are either born as a wolf or not. Nothing under, above or in the middle turning a individual to a wolf wasn't known and was pretty hard but looky looky im just one of those special people that gets to be a freaking fat fluffy puppy.

And you're probably like what's the big deal well one, everyone hates me two, my first time shifting was like I was being feed to a freaking dragon that blew purple fire on my body and dropped a hundred feet towards the ground

I'll tell you it wasn't pleasant, during that time no one came to help It was just me myself and I, like seriously how rude, I literally have done nothing towards them and this is how I'm treated.

All they talk about is some stupid alpha will throw me out and make me into something called a rouge like seriously that kinda sounds ugly I mean who want to be called a rouge ugh just thinking about it give me shivers. Plus who even is this "alpha" but the way I see it, this dude prances around like he's the shit nope no can do that's me Im the one that should be acting like that because in all honesty I pretty much am you can even ask Karen and Becky in the back I'm such a bad ass that even they complain they can't be just like me.

As I was thinking I heard a knock on the guest door I was staying in. "May I come in?"

"Um yea sure"
I saw the door slowly open and in come one of the nice maids I have came to known. other than her, all the maids are totally Oompa Loompa's to me. like Chewbacca would be impressed on how ugly they were no matter how much makeup they put on they still look like killer clowns literally

"Oh hey Nancy how are you doing"

Nancy glances at her with a sad smile
"Nancy what wrong is every thing all right"
She shakes her head no
"Scarlet they are planning to kick you out of the pack in three days time and I don't have a clue what's going to happen to you, I'm going to miss you" Nancy starts getting teary eyed

"Where the hell did you hear that junk they can't kick me out especially when the asshole that turned me is here, wait where even is he?"

"Thats what i have been hearing around the pack and I'm heartbroken if they are speaking the truth"

I gave her a smile "it's ok I'll be fine I will check up on you once in a while, you can't get rid of me that easy"

She looks me in the eyes and start grinning "I already know that since I have already tried to get rid of you"

We both burst out laughing

"Will you two hooligans shut the fuck up I'm trying to sleep"

And that my friends is what people call drake, hehe he's a feisty one it goes with his dark look, damn I wanna piece of him but, sadly he won't let me

We look at each other and sigh in unhappiness.

"Well Nancy I guess we will have to spend these three days like it's are last"

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking" she grins

"Hmmmmm does it have to do with eat the whole food storage and pranking everyone" I gave her a evil smile

"That's my girl" she smiles right back at me

I mean right now you're thinking, ooh she's a maid and she will get in trouble oh honeyyyyy let me tell you something she never gets caught I would like to say I take the blame because it helps us the do bigger and better pranks when they don't suspect Nancy. Basically they never will and never would want to suspect her. Sometimes when I'm in my room she likes to stir trouble they try blaming it on me but they cant obvi I'm in my room retards so in the end they let it go ISNT THAT FREAKING COOL.

As we tip toed through the halls ways like a freaking ninja turtle you know with the dramatic flips and all we arrive at are destination...

The kitchen, heheheh dramatic right?

Me and Nancy start taking things out like takis, other chips, nacho cheese, Nutella, ritz, candy, popcorn and more, what kind of women are we if we don't eat like a pack a wolfs. Shudder

We eat everything in a nick of time as the part of the pack came in to get breakfast. Huh must be a nice sight they are seeing two fatasses stuffing their face Nutella smeared on their faces and hands and crumbs staining the side of their mouths and cloths

Wow to me that sounds godly

"Oh hello welcome to the kitchen over there is the oven where you could cook your food on then over the-" i was cut of suddenly

"Yes yes we know we aren't idiots like you"
Some red headed bitch speaks up

"Welp sorry honey but it takes one to know one" I grin at her #fightme

"At least I'm a pretty idiot so you can kiss my ass" she try's to get back

"Well sorry momma said don't kiss anything that's fake it could probably give you an infection, and by looking at you I wouldn't be surprised if you had a form of std's"

Ha that shut her up quick, come at me you dumb looking sloth (nothing against sloths don't hurt me >.<)

She storms away from everyone else

"Nice seeing you" I call back to her

"Well looky looky, is this little chipmunk causing anyone any harm or stupidity"

Is that sleeping beauty, oh wait that's drake well I mean he acts like a sleeping beauty so huh why not

"Well hello to you too sleeping beauty"
I stare into his brown melting gold of an eyes, goodness gracious those are so beautiful.

"It's drake to you you barbarian" he growls at me

"Sorry drake" I drags his name

His anger spikes again, ooh do I see a feisty Wolfy, mmmmmm he looks hot

" um Scarlet I think you should have been running a long time ago" Nancy squeaks

I still stand there amused at the picture in front of me a big bad wolf mad at a 'chipmunk' well that's a never seen thing

"I mean now before he rips you to shreds!"
Nancy again warns me but this time she literally screech's in my ear

Like women you sound like a dying chihuahua so stop there is no need for th-
Oh yea big bad wolf, rip into shreds, need to go now, and prevent that

"Umm well toddles" I ran out of the kitchen towards the woods with a very big might I add mad wolf well let's have a little fun with this

And with that being said I ran faster, everything passing like a blur

Here's the new update hope you like ^=•=^

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