Today July 1,2014 11:45

111 4 2

Olaf added Jack Frost to the conversation

Elsa: Olaf, who is Jack Frost?

Olaf: I don't know

Anna: Then why is he in the group?

Olaf: Because I was in Elsa's room and found a random number in her closet so I added to our conversation

Elsa: Olaf, you were in my room?!?

Olaf: When did I say that?

Elsa: 3 minutes ago!!

Olaf: hahahaha Anna help me out here

Anna: Elsa just calm down PLEASE!!!!

Elsa: Fine. Tell me about yourself, Jack Frost

Jack Frost: Well I have a snow power

Elsa: REALLY?!?!?!?!?

Jack Frost: Really, why?

Elsa: Because I have snow powers too!!!!!

Jack Frost: Really?!?

Olaf: O.M.O.

Anna: ?

Olaf: Oh my Olaf, DUH

Jack Frost: We should meet sometime, Elsa

Elsa: I don't know because I'm a queen

Jack Frost: :-0

Elsa: Ya I know

Hans: Yuk!

Elsa: What?

Hans: I don't understand true love, I can just act it!!!

Elsa: :-P

Anna: :-P

Kristoff: :-P

Hans: :-P to you guys too

Jack Frost: O.K. so I just know Elsa right now

Anna: Sorry Jack. I'm Anna. Elsa's sister

Jack Frost:Oh

Olaf: Hi I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!!

Jack Frost: O.K.

Kristoff: I'm Kristoff and I'm, uh, we'll I'm kind of....

Olaf: DATING ANNA!!!!!!! :-P

Jack Frost: Oh O.K.

Jack Frost: What about the Hans guy


Anna: Hans is a prince but he should be in jail for almost killing Elsa and breaking my heart

Jack Frost: YOU ALMOST KILLED ELSA?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Anna: Did you not hear that he broke my heart?

Hans: I ALMOST killed Elsa

Elsa: I would've been dead just now if it wasn't for Anna

Jack Frost: ?

Elsa: I froze Anna's heart and she could've died too then she jumped in front of me when Hans with about to kill me and she froze which made Hans' sword brake

Jack Frost: Oh Hans you will die soon from the guardians above us

Hans: O.K. bye now

Jack Frost: I have to go to.... Bye Elsa

Elsa: Bye Jack

Anna: Bye Jack

Kristoff: Goodbye Jack

Olaf: Bye everyone!!

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