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 1991. The year that everything at Hogwarts changed. First of all my Godbrother finally started school, and second, it was the year I finally realized I liked my best friend. Fred Weasley. Thinking back on that year, I realised they were some of the best times of my life. It all began at the sorting ceremony....

The first day back after summer. Fred, George and I aren't fully listening to the sorting ceremony till we hear Harry Potter. This piqued my interest. See Harrys my Godbrother. How you may ask? My father is Sirius Black. Mass murder and my dad. After Harry's sorted into Gryffindor. (The twins and I'd house) we tune it out again until the very end. I look over at Fred and George, I realise this is going to be an eventful year.

That was the first time I saw Harry since the night of Lily and James death. I always found it weird Lily and James named their son after James. Little did I know he was so much more than a God-sibling. Before we get into that tho, we had to meg Malfoy.

Fred and I are just walking down the hallway when suddenly I am rammed into by Draco. As he stood up of the ground Draco started to sneer at me and Fred. ¨Mudblood and Weasley, finally together are we?¨ Draco just had to comment.

¨First of all, I'm not a muggle-born so don't call me mudblood. Second of all, we may not be dating but that doesn't give you permission to hold anyones hand.¨ I sneered at Malfoy.

Now, I believe you have a class to get to  Mister Malfoy.¨ I told him.

¨Goodbye to you too!¨ Fred told him. With that, he walked away and down the hall to charms.

By now you may be wondering who I am. The names Amia. Amia Madlyn Black. Daughter of Rose and Sirius Black. Goddaughter of Remus Lupin. Niece of Lilly and Petunia Evans.

Love hurtsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz