"Rounding is over," Ellie announces. Then to me, "Waiting for the gas money."

I scoff. "You offered."

"You have to pay, Tracy." Lucy says.

Horrified at the betrayal, I stare at my sibling, same flesh and same blood. "You're my sister, you're supposed to be with me in this. You're the one who wanted to go out, anyways," I point out.

"Exactly, I'm your sister." She nods her head forcefully. "That's why I am against you."

Sometimes I wonder if we are the same blood, if the nurse brought another baby to mom at the hospital. But I know there's too much resemblance.

"Let's go home."

"I don't want to go home," she whines as Ellie turns on a corner, heading back to our house.

"We could watch a movie," I suggest to get her to quiet.

"Like a movie night?"

Just shut up! "Exactly, a movie night."

But she only continues, inexhaustible. "With your friends?"

"Yes, with my friends," I sigh. She just won't shut up. Never mind already.

"Cool, can I have your phone?"

The moment the device lands in her hands, she begins tapping on the screen furiously. Then, I hear the very loud dialing sound coming from the phone on speaker mode. Before I can ask who she's calling, someone answers the phone. "Hello?"

"Will?" Lucy asks.

"Yes, Tracy?"

"No, it's Lucy." I am amazed at how comfortable it is for her to talk to people she hasn't even known for that long. I wasn't like that as a child.

"Oh..." Will sounds to be at a loss for words for a moment, probably wondering why Lucy is calling him. "Hi, Lucy."

Lucy smiles, "Hi, there's a movie night in a few hours, you're invited. And invite Yann, too."

"Authoritative much?" Will laughs and Lucy raises her brows at me, asking me why he's saying this. "I'll come, then. What time?"

"7. Don't be late. Bye," she tells before waiting for Will to do as well and hangs up. "Hello?" I hear her say again after a minute, "James?"


She rolls her eyes at people mistaking her voice for mine before saying in annoyance, "No, it's Lucy."

I'm very tempted to say, what do you expect people to say? It's my phone you're calling from.

"Oh. Hey..." And just like Will, James seems not to know what to say.

It occurs to me then that she's inviting both James and Yann under our roof, together. I cast a worried glance at Ellie who understands and simply shrugs.

"Movie night at 7 sharp. Be there on time." Lucy commands to James.

"Well," James sounds taken off guard, "if you insist."

"Yes, yes, I do. Bye." And she hangs up. "Am I autho-whatever Will said?"

That's not a question to ask. "Authoritative. Bossy. Yes, sometimes," Ellie grins up to her in the rear-view mirror. "You'll be the female Christian Grey."

My first reaction is to start screaming not to mention this guy in front Lucy but I know it'll only pique her curiosity and interest. Instead I stay calm and say nothing as I shoot a death glare to my best friend. Lucy, as I expect, asks who Christian is. I wave it off, "Ellie's imaginary friend."

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