You've been answering happily, giggling at how Tyler seems to make a joke about everything (To Jenna's dismay, who is trying to stay serious to keep her interviewer act on). 

You turn your last corner, and your heart jolts when you see your new school. It was the stereotypical high school, but something about it seemed quaint.

Maybe it was the well kept flower beds, or the multitude of students on bikes or skateboards, or the extreme amount of posters that were plastered all over the brick walls.

It was much better than your old, grey, boring high school.

Tyler turns to you with open arms, just the way he did when he introduced you to the park, and you smile. "WELCOME...TO YOUR NEW SCHOOL!" He announces loudly, earning a few glares from tired passing students.

"Nervous, or excited?" Jenna finally pulls her arm away and dances a little jig. You laugh lightly "Uhhh... I don't really know"

Tyler snorts "HONESTLY, same!" They both walk through the gates, and you hesitantly follow.

Jenna shakes her head and laughs "Its not your first day dummy" Tyler sighs dramatically "It sure feels like it, now where is Josh?"  


"Uhh, who's Josh?" you ask shyly.

"WAIT? I never told you? He is my best-est friend ever!" He shakes his head as if disappointed in himself.

"How did you not tell her about Josh?" Jenna exclaims in surprise. This Josh guy must be really important then huh.

"I don't know honestly, never got around to the topic... too busy eating ice cream I guess"

"Not too busy to keep talking about Jenna though" You add, and then immediately regret it when Tyler shots you a stern glare. You see the embarrassment in his eyes though, and you laugh along with Jenna.

"Ha ha. Very funny, amazing boyfriend being amazing." He mocks as he takes you down the side of a building. His mood changes instantly when he hears a ding come from his pocket.

"He's just texted me saying he's near the courts!" He mutters as he stares down at his phone.

"Yay! Josh!" Jenna waves to some one in the distance. "WHERE?" Tyler looks up frantically and Jenna points to a boy, sitting on top of a wall.

Tyler instantly sprints towards him, and Jenna grabs your arm, hurrying you along. "He's gonna love you" She says, with a reassuring smile.

The boy jumps down, running a hand through his hair. HIS FLORESCENT YELLOW HAIR! It is all curly, and shaved on the sides, and he has gauges and seems pretty muscly. He smiles at Tyler, his smile is adorable, baring his sharp pearly canines, his eyes all squinty.

It makes your heart flutter when he looks at you with the same smile, before doing an elaborate and impressive handshake with Tyler. Jenna grins at you as you watch in awe.

"I MISSED YOU!" Tyler yells almost aggressively, and embraces Josh, who chuckles "I literally saw you yesterday!" Tyler just goes "shh" and holds a finger up. You laugh.

Sarcastically, Josh rolls his eyes and turn to you and Jenna.
"Hi!" Jenna goes in for a hug before he can say anything back, which makes you laugh a little.

"This is Y/N!" She gestures towards you, and Josh looks straight into your eyes. It was almost intimidating, but his eyes where kind and warm and brown - and honestly melted your heart.

You manage to smile back, and give a little wave. "I'm Josh" He says and nods at you, still beaming. Then a shrill school bell shocks you into reality again. This school day was gonna be a different kind of cool. And maybe a little bit terrifying.

* • * • * • *

YAY JOSH! I really like the way I described his appearance, I think it's spot on. What do yooou think?

I also wanna ask for some requests for my Tyler x reader. What are some things you want in the book? Any thing you want it to be about? LET ME KNOW :D

ALSO? 100 reads already! TYSM!

P.S. uploading next chapter v soon ;)

stay street 💖

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