Chapter 9 -- Confessions

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"What Percy? Don't look so innocent. That's the third time that I have caught you staring at me."

"Okay. I guess that I have to admit that you caught me. I think in all the time that we worked together that I have never wanted to allow myself to look at you."

"Yesterday at the gym, I saw a scar on your shoulder. You have muscles all over your body, even your booty. Your hair has this rust red tone to it. You smile with your entire face. Even your eyes have a twinkle to them"

"When you walk or run, you put everything into it. You are so strong but when you hugged me at the apartment Saturday, you held on like you might break me. Just watching you speak is an adventure as you put your whole body into every word and jester. "

"I'm scared Chris."

"What do you have to be afraid of Percy?": :

"You! This" she says as she points back to me, then herself. "Well, what this could be. I've never even slept with you and I feel this connection."



"Can I be honest with you? That's not the first time that I have heard those words. Well not the exact words, but the thought. Cade said the same thing."

"Last month when I came to see you both at his treatment, he described the difference in the interaction that he saw between us and how I related to Savannah. He alluded that our connection was more of a meld like the merging of two souls."

"Chris. I made an appointment for in the morning to go to the gyno to get my meds update. I think that I am ready to move to a new level of a relationship with you."

"I'm glad that you say it that way Sonja. That's the right way to label this. I want to have a relationship with you. I don't just want to bed you. I want to learn about your hopes and dreams. I want you tell me about what makes you happy and never again shake from fear or anything else that could possibly hurt you while you are in my arms."

"Let's find a movie we both can watch". "Well, you holler them out while I fix some popcorn." She responds.

After we ate the popcorn and drank our beers, I pulled Sonja into my lap and later woke up to the buzzing TV. I gently pick her up and place her fully dressed into her bed.

"No don't go. Stay" she said as she took my arm. Lying fully in her bed, she found a nitch in my arms and rested there until the next morning. I felt Sonja move jarring me awake. It was natural for me to tighten my grip. "Good morning beautiful" I said. "Good morning yourself Butch. You better get up. This is pay day and everybody drives in today so they can go early then leave early."

Later, clean as a whistle, I kiss Sonja goodbye and head to the parking ramp. Sonja was right. Traffic was backed up and I made it into the briefing with just a few minutes to spare.

I had an odd text from Sonja asking when I thought that I would be out of the meeting today. Looks like about 4:30. I'll just go to the range tomorrow.

I was in for a surprise when I walked in the door. Sonja welcomed me at the door with a dress on and 3 inch heels. Her hair was swept upon top of her head.

She greeted me with a huge smile. "Go ahead and say it" she laughed. "Say what Percy?" I asked. "Honey, I'm home." I joined her laugh and repeated her words. She walked over to kiss me then put her arms up as high as they would go.

After I let her go she said "I wasn't going to presume what you wanted to eat. The restaurant across the street is a 'five star'. They are just waiting for me to call back. They have Iowa choice both beef and pork steaks." I quickly convey my selection. "So why don't you catch a quick shower. There are a couple of things on the bed for you."

First was my carry all. What's the big deal I thought? There's a note "this matches your eyes. Inside I found a new Van Heusen shirt in blue. Also a pair of dress pants and a sports jacket that I had brought with me.

The second was a box that contained a fiery red night gown with a note "this will match the temperature tonight."

The third was a huge box that was nearly was empty save the box of the condoms that I use. "These will be the first to use for what is to come" that note said.

After I was dressed I went looking for Sonja. She was in the kitchen. The food should be here shortly. From the kitchen I could see that the table in the dining area was elegantly set like a magazine cover. I thought that you might want to pick the music. We danced until the buzzer rang. We both went to the door. I took the food as Sonja tipped the delivery man.

Sonja had placed the table settings next to each other. This allowed us to try a bite of each other's food as well as hold hands.

After we finished eating, Sonja quickly rinsed off the dishes after I helped to carry them to the sink. After the glasses were refilled, we found our way back into the front room.

The dancing only lasted for a few minutes. Sonja proceeded to get me out of my jacket, then began unbuttoning my shirt. Free of it, she turned so that I could unzip her dress. She slowly works her way out of it. Finally I picked her up bridal style and carried her to her bed. I don't know what made me look at the clock but I thought to myself that this was the earliest that I remembered going to bed in years.

Was it with the wait? Certainly. I relished being with her.

"What you thinking Country Mouse?" Sonja asked me. "Well, I'm really thinking that Chris LaSalle is not near as smart as he thinks that he is . "Why would you say that?" "Well it appears that letting you leave New Orleans was one of the dumbest things I ever let happen. "Oh" Sonja responds as she peppers my chest with kisses.

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