Chapter 1 -- The Call

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"Good Morning. This is Christopher LaSalle. I had an e-mail that I need to schedule an in person update on my brother Cade LaSalle."

"Sure Mr. LaSalle. Do you have a date in mind?"

"Well, in the next couple of weeks?"

"Will there be other family members or your lawyer there?"

"I'm going to need to talk to momma and see if she is up to it."

"Alright. And what about Cade's girlfriend? Will she be attending as well?"

"His girlfriend? Cade doesn't have a girlfriend. She passed away a several months ago.

"Well, let me check the treatment notes. I know that I have seen authorization for a regular female visitor. I can call you back to confirm the dates and the identity of his friend."

"Thank you ma'am."

"Hey LaSalle, what's going on? "Well Tammy I have no idea. That was one odd phone call."

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