Back Home pt.1

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Third POV

Yuuki (age 7)
Luffy (age 4)

Sun rays beam from the slowly rising morning sun, greeting commoners and living things with fresh sunlight. A young girl wipes away the dust that covered the rims of her eyes as she stretches with a huge yawn. Her eyes fluttered till she was able to focus what's ahead of her. Her long, straight, raven black colored-hair hung beside her fragile figure with her hazel brown eyes gleaming in excitement.

The enormous windmill that endlessly whirl around in the middle of the village blows nostalgic emotions in the young girl's heart. She carefully shakes a sleepy young boy beside her with the same raven hair color as her. The boy groans from the sudden movement, fluttering his eyes to adjust his eyesight.

"Its too bright, Onee-chan" he mumbles. The boy rolls over from his side before sitting up right beside the older sister.

"We're here" the girl smiled with her dimples easily seen on each cheek.

The boat that the two children traveled, along with other commanders from the Revolutionary Army, came to a stop at the only docks available at their hometown in East Blue. The young girl excitedly jumps out of the boat, grabbing the boy's wrist along with her. The boat slightly rocks from the momentum of the jump causing the four other commanders to panic. The commanders quickly leaped out of the medium sized fishermen boat, carefully not tipping the edges, then jogged up to the impatient kids that already ran off.

"Yuuki hime-sama! Wait for us!" One of the four called out to the little girl.

"Your Oto-san will be mad if you run off by yourselves!" Another warned.

With that in mind, the girl stopped running mid-way to the place she wants to go. Her unexpected halt caused the smaller boy to slam in his tracks, but fails when his face meets the back of his older sister. Ending up with the two falter to the dirt ground. Yuuki, the young girl with dirt scattered on her porcelain pouting face, her eyebrows narrowed down in annoyance. The other child that used Yuuki as a cushion was her younger brother Luffy, giggling at the small chaos he has done to his sister.

"Watch where you were going, Luffy!" Yuuki groans, slightly pushing her young brother off of her.

Luffy stayed on the ground, laughing still. Yuuki dusted off the dirt off of her yellow dress that she purposely picked for this day.

Yuuki rolls her eyes at the pubescent boy, then sighed with a small smile with a shake of her head in defeat. She turns her head to the group of adults that were assigned to keep a sharp eye on the kids.

"You guys are so slow" she shouted.

The sound of a stomach growling echoed around them, causing Yuuki to giggle at her younger brother. "Are you hungry, Luffy?" She stares at the boy slump down on the ground. He rubs his stomach in circular motions while sticking out his tongue in hunger.

The four commanders finally caught up to the children, making their way to the only place young Yuuki have been dreaming to visit again since her last stay on the island four years ago. Yuuki runs up to the front of a pub and opens up the door with both of her hands. Her eyes sparkled in glee, as she scurries her way to one of the open bar stools. Waiting to see one of her favorite faces.

A young woman, short, green, straight hair with a yellow head-band wrapped around her head, walks out with a cheerful smile. Though stops walking when she felt tiny hands lurched onto her, attempting in a form of a hug.

"Makino-san, I missed you so much!" Yuuki cried with happy tears.

She releases her hug then skidded back to her seat. Luffy slowly walks up to the bar stool beside his older sister. He stares up at Makino's direction, the woman that induced his favorite older sister to suddenly hug. Though hides shyly behind Yuuki when Makino connected his gaze with a sweet smile.

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