Not My Arms Challenge

Start from the beginning

"Oh god this is goodbye to my hands for a full day. Wait is it too late to back out?" Zion says

"Awww babe its okay and yeah its too late" I say laughing

"Okay you guys ready!" Lauren says

They both hesitantly shake their heads and we put on the shirts

"Omg omg omg omggg how do I do this where do I put my hands" Zion says freaking out

"Stop omg I can't breathe" I say laughing cause his reaction is priceless

"Okay so put your arms around me and I put my arms through the sleeves see?" I say

We were both done and it was the funniest thing ever. Since Zion is so tall he had to crouch down to my height or if he stood up straight I was dangling off the floor. Nick and Lauren had figured it out and Nick kept doing stupid things to annoy Lauren. I asked Brandon before we started the video, if he could record us throughout the day since I obviously couldn't.

"Now what" Lauren says as we all just laugh

"Im hungry" Nick says

"OF COURSE YOU ARE" Lauren says cracking up

Brandon followed them downstairs. Watching them walk down the stairs was the funniest thing. Nick kept yelling at Lauren because he thought he was gonna fall and Lauren was yelling at Nick because she couldn't see where she was going. Me and Zion followed them downstairs and we had the same problem so Zion just stood up straight and practically ran down the stairs with me dangling on him.

"Uhhh how are we gonna sit" I say

"I have to sit on top of you" Zion says

"Aw hellll nah, imma be crushed" I say

"Are you calling me fat?" Zion says chuckling as I roll my eyes

As Zion sits down Brandon comes over and films. Zion was practically sitting on my lap.

"Wait wait wait. Lemme just move my legs and then you can scoot up so ur not on top of me" I realize

We stand up and then sit back down. This time my legs were wrapped around Zion's waist and we were sitting normal, thank god cause that boy was crushing me to death. Brandon filmed the whole struggle then headed in the kitchen to film nick and Lauren.

*Nick's POV*

"BABE I CANT REACH THAT WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO" Lauren yells at me trying to reach for the chips that are on the top of the fridge.

"OKAY UR YELLING IN MY EAR" I say yelling back

"Sorry" She laughs

"Okay im gonna jump and then ur gonna reach for the chips. Ready. 1..2..3.."

Lauren successfully grabs the chips and we head over to the other side of the kitchen to make my sandwich.

"This is a lot harder than it looks guys" Lauren says to the camera

"hey this is fun for me" I say grabbing Lauren's butt

"STOP" She says as she slaps me with a piece of turkey

"OW" I yell but eat the turkey that was stuck to my face

"This is so entertaining" Brandon says still filming

We finally made my sandwich, it only took 20 minutes but we were done. We walk over to the couch and sit the same way Emily and Zion were sitting.

"Oh god I have to feed you" Lauren says laughing

Emily and Zion were watching this all happen because it was a sight to see. They kept laughing as Lauren kept missing my mouth and the sandwich kept going in my eyeball.

"Im sorry this is hard work I'm tired as hell. I had to make a full sandwich and I can't even eat it" Lauren says sitting back as i go back with her

"You're doing a great job babe" I say reassuring her

"YO" Zion says as he snapped out of his thoughts


"Uhhhh ill play for you?" Emily says

"Hell no. Wait I got another idea" Zion says

"What?" Emily asks

"We should film a dance video but you have to do all my hand movements" Zion says

"You guys should do the in my feelings challenge!" Lauren suggests

"YESSSSS IM DOWN" Emily says

We call Brandon down and he starts the music while filming. Me and Lauren stood on the side cracking up. Zion started on the counter and jumped down with Emily on his back. watching Emily in the background was the funniest part because she didn't know what Move Zion was gonna do next. Plus her arms on Zion's body was just wrongggg. Emily kept yelling at Zion because he kept stepping on her feet so they had to keep redoing the video. Me and Lauren were practically on the floor cause it was so funny.

It finally was night time and we went back in Emily's room so she could finish the video. She did her outro and the challenge was finally over.

"OMG IM FREEEEEEE" Zion says Milly rocking

"MY ARMS, OH HOW IVE MISSED YOU" I say hugging myself

"Hey next video we should be ur arms" Zion says grinning

"Aw hellllll nahhh" Both Emily and Lauren say at the same time.

hey guys! Sorry I haven't put out an imagine in a minute, I've just been a lil busy. But I hope you guys enjoy this one. Thank y'all for 2K reads! ❤️

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