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The gates of Diamond City

I hated the silence, but I couldn't think of an ice breaker between MacCready and I. I know next to nothing about him, but at the same time, he knows almost nothing about me. I rubbed my wrist, which was still red from Winlock's grip. 

"You, uh... what's your background with Winlock and Barnes?"

I sighed. "I don't want to talk about it."

He opened his mouth, then closed it, looking ahead. We walked down the stairway and to Home Plate, where I had bought it out a few years ago so therefore it was mine. I opened the door and stepped in, MacCready following behind me. 

"Hey, you can take the bed in the back, I'll sleep on the couch."

He did a small double take, as if the mere gesture surprised him. "Are you sure?"

I looked him up and down, mockingly, the same as he had done at the Third Rail. "You look like you need the sleep a lot more than I do."

He nodded, taking his things to the bedroom and settling in for the night. I smirked to myself. When did he get so quiet? He was so talkative earlier.

Brushing it off, I collapsed onto the couch, falling asleep almost immediately.


Weeks later

MacCready and I were both experienced in the wasteland, but we weren't experienced together. We spent a few weeks doing various small tasks for Nick, the residents, the guards, etc. After a while I felt that we were ready to travel together.

I thought of my plan to find Nico. I had finally tracked him down; gunner territory. Took me four years, but it'd be worth it.

I just wanted my brother back.

I groaned and got up, changing into my spike armor and combat boots. I emptied my bag of everything it had so I could re-pack it with the things I needed. After filling the bag with all needed necessities for the trek, I turned around to see MacCready standing there.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Yeah, boss. Let's go."


"Hey, Arturo."

"Hey, Sara. Back to look at my amazing inventory?"

"I just need some ammo."

"Sure." I told him the kind I needed. "Alright." He gathered the ammo and put it in a bag. Once I had paid, I started to walk towards John's shop. Figured I could use a trim; my hair was well past my thighs. That's when I heard MacCready speak up from behind me.

"Oh ho ho, man, have you ever had this guy's noodles?" I turned around and he was beaming like a little kid. "They're amazing."

I returned a smile. "You bet I have."

"What's up, Taka? Hook me up with some of your... shimmichanga... whatever they're called."

"Nan-ni shimasho-ka?"

"Yeah yeah yeah, that's the stuff!"

"Nan-ni shimasho-ka?"

He looked back at me, grinning sarcastically, before responding, "Damn right I'll take two servings."

He slid onto one of the barstools, and I sat next to him. He reached into his pockets for some caps, and I said I'd get it. I didn't really understand the split-second look he gave me; surprise, maybe. He slipped his hand out of his pocket, mumbling a thanks and putting both hands on the steaming bowl of noodles in front of him.

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