Ch.20- I'm cured

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Reaven's POV

I woke up seeing that no one was next to me. I looked around the room seeing that Ethel is still asleep, I saw a note at mt lamp table. The handwriting was Harry's.

Hope you slept good love. I had to leave early sorry I couldn't wake up next to you, but I love you.

- H 

I smiled at the letter and got down my bed. I changed out of the clothes from yesterday and took a quick shower. I slipped on a pair of black compression shorts and a big plain band tee from my closet.

I got down stairs and I saw Aunt Amilia and Brandon with a guy, he was sitting in the couch. He turned around and saw me.

"Reaven sweetie, Good Morning." Aunt amilia said then the guy stood up and smiled.

"This is Her?" I got confused and looked at Aunt Amilia

"Whats going on?" he smiled once more I turned over to Aunt Amilia, she stood up and smiled

"Reaven, Your gonna get cured. This is Brad the friend I told you about the first time you came here remember?" I nodded remembering. He grabbed a tube and poured something inside it. Mixing it a bit he walked up to me and grabbed my hand.

"Hmm.." he was observeing me.

I felt a little uncomfortable as he touched the side of my cheek seeing the butterfly at the side.

"Here you go." He said handing me the tub he was shaking earlier.

"Whats this?" I asked holding it, he chuckled and looked at me

"It a medicine to cure the skin disease." I smiled wide and looked at Aunt Amilia she smiled as I drank the tube, once I was done I tried to ignore the weird taste. I felt my white soft skin turn back to my tan skin.

Then I ran to a mirrot looked at my face the tattoo butterfly was gone. I smiled so wide I looked over at Brad and embraced him,"Thank you so much!!!"

"Your very welcome sweetie, Also Happy Birthday." I smiled as I let go of him. Aunt Amilia hugged him and he left with his bag through the front door.

I wanted to run in a field of flowers and sing in the top of my lungs. That's how happy I am right now knowing I can move with out thinking about getting hurt so eaisly.

Then I heard foot steps coming down seeing a sleepy Ethel rub her eyes as she was focusing her eyes at me. Once she saw me she gasped so loud and ran towards me and gave me a bare hug. Almost knocking me down to the ground.

"HOLY MOTHER OF CHEESE YOUR BACK TO NORMAL!" I chuckled as she still embraced me.

"I'm so happy you noticed it faster than before." she chuckled everyone was smiling around us both as she let go of me. Then she tugged on my arm a bit.

"Oh, how are you going to tell Harry?" Ethel asked, I looked around everyone and smiled as I bit my bottom lip.

I'm gonna surprise him.

Harry's POV

"Thank you so much means a lot." everyone got out of the house. The party was ready for tonight the food is coming, some guests are coming.

Today is Reaven's 15th birthday and I can just imagen the look on her face when she sees this.

"She is gonna freak when she sees this." Louis said reading my mind a bit. I smiled and looked at the boys.

"Thanks Guys you know she means a lot to me right?" they all nodded and then Nialls phone rang he took it. I didnt know who he was talking to but he looked so happy and excited.

My Little Butterfly || H.S.  {Book 1} ✔Where stories live. Discover now