Ch.9- Company and More News

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Harry's POV

The Nurse came out and gave a weak smile that wasn't good.

"How is she?" Ethel asked she looked at all of us.

"Shes just having a brusing sign, maybe something was hitting while she was outside, but shes gonna be alright nothing serious." I sighed in relief knowing shes okay. I never been this happy in my life after hearing those words.

"Um..can we see her?" I asked, she looked at all of us and nodded. We all enetered her room, I saw her lying down in a hospital bed looking up at the TV watching something.

I got the chair and sat at her right side as Ethel was in her left. She turned off the TV as the other boys were in front of her and she looks at all of us and smiled.

"So how you feeling?" I held her hand and she gave me a weak smile.

"Im fine...Im sorry, I was just..Im sorry I put you all through this trouble." I shook my head and held her hand tighter a bit.

"Your not trouble Reaven, we all care about you..I mean Ethel told us about your condition and..we care about you a lot." she looked at Ethel and then us.

"I feel so helpless..." she sighed

All of us looked at each other and I entwined my hands with hers and kissed her soft skin.

"Your not helpless, your strong." I said she slowly smiled, Suddenly Louis took a deep breath and caught all of our attention.

"Reaven, it's okay to feel weak in some time, when you need help, never be a shame to tell us, we're friends now we all care about you." Louis said with a big smile I chuckled and Ethel smiled.

"I really hate to leave you here, but Paul called and told me we have a interview to catch." Niall said I clinched my jaw a bit totally forgetting about that.

"Its Fine really, go catch the interview guys." I held on her hand.

"I could cancel the interview to stay here with you." she chuckled and shook her head.

"Harry I don't want to interfere with your job, I'll be fine Ethel's here." I looked over at Ethel and she nodded holding Reavens hand. I sighed and stood up from the chair and kissed her forehead.

"I'll check up on you soon, just call me if anything." she smiled and nodded, all the boys kisses her head saying she'll be okay as we all left through the door.

When we were all out, Niall walked by me and bumped me a bit,"Your scared for her are you?" Niall said at my side, I nodded as we got out of the hospital.

Reaven's POV

As Harry and the boys left, Ethel had her hands over her chest and a devious smile on her lip. I chuckled, "What's with the smile?" She shook her head and sighed

"You really don't see it don't you?" I got confused as she said that.

"I don't see what?" Ethel shook her head went back on her phone.

"Harry likes you, and your just so oblivious to see it." I bit my bottom lip and sighed, he probably said that because she pitys me. He dosen't..

"Ethel what makes you so sure-"

"Reaven it's really obvious, Niall told me, Louis told me, Heck even Jesus himself sees it and the only one who isn't seeing it, is you." I bit my bottom lip and felt my phone vibrate.

Harry: Hey just checking you okay? :)

"Who's that?" Ethel asked I showed her the text and she just sat back on her chair and smiled at her phone.

Me: Im fine where are you? xD

Harry: I'm at the studio waiting for the interview to start, Did Brandon come over yet to check you?

Suddenly the door open revealing Brandon and Auntie Amelia. I chuckled a bit because of the text.

Me: They are here now have fun in the interview.

Aunt Ameila gasp as she saw me in the hospital bed, I gave a weak smile towards her and she walked over to my bed and stoked my hand gently.

"Reaven..Oh sweetie..please tell me their isn't anything serious.." I shook my head and she sighed in relief.

"Im fine, I just fainted." she hugged me and Brandon went to my bed.

"I'm really glad your okay Reave." I smiled and took a deep breathe, "Thanks Brandon." he smiled and took my other hand and held it as well.

"Well I have news for you though." he said stroking his thumb through my sensitive skin.

"Well what is it?" he took a deep breathe and looked over at Ethel.

"You guys are going to school next week, You and Ethel are going to be separated, because she didn't finish 8th grade." I looked at Ethel and she was shocked her mouth was open.

"Thats Not fair." Ethel said, Brandon gave a weak smile I sighed and they looked at me

"You guys live together the least you can do just have some time a part." Aunt Amelia said I nodded and Ethel did as well.

"Yeah your right." Ethel said, we all chuckled.

"Brandon, you forgot to tell Reaven and Ethel which school their both going to." Aunt Amelia said, he smiled and looked at Aunt Amilia

"Western Ridge Way High School and for Ethel Mountford Middle School." my eyes widen as he said that, we're going to the same school as the boys..

I felt my phone vibrate and looked at the caller ID. It was Harry. Perfect timing.

"Um..I need to take this." I got up slowly from my bed and went outside the hospital room. It was still ringing and I pressed the call button.


"Hey, I just needed to check on you, I know I say that a lot because, well I kind of am being protective over you now."

"Okay Mr. Protective, how was the interview?"

"Boring, talked about Drama that I'm clearly apart and never wanted to be in the first place." I sighed.

"Well I hope this news sums up your mood."

"I already feel okay hearing your voice." I blushed as he said that, stupid bastard.

"Okay cheesy man, I'm going to school next week." he chuckled

"Oh, what school?" I bit my lip

"Westeren Ridge way High." suddenly the phone was blurred and scratchy then I heard shouting and cheering through the phone. I couldn't help but smile.

"Yes! I get to see you everyday now!" I chuckled

"Told you it would sum up your mood."

"It didn't sum up my mood."

"Then what?"

"It really made my day." I couldn't help but smile as he said that through the phone.

"Your very cheesy Haz, your lucky I like Cheese."

"Your very Cute Reaven, your lucky I really like you." my heart stopped as he said that, he hung up and bit my lip while smiling. He likes me.

My Little Butterfly || H.S.  {Book 1} ✔Where stories live. Discover now