“What the hell are you doing here?” he supposed to be out or sleeping.

“Yah! This is my— wait you’re talking to me again”, he sounded happy for a second.

“Let go of me!!!”

I try to wiggle free from him but he holds me tighter and rested his chin on my shoulders. I can feel his hot breath on my skin that send a hot feeling on my cheeks.

“I really don’t know what to do with you”, he then said before reaching out for his pocket.

My eyebrow creased in confusion as he holds a key in front of my face. I wonder what he is up to.

“What’s that?”

“A key obviously”, he answer sarcastically.

Aisht! I wanna punch his face right now.

“I know that’s a key but for what?”

“This is the key to the front door”, he said releasing me from his embrace.

I turn around to face him, “Are you giving it to me?”

“neh”, he nodded and place the key on my palm.

“why?” I asked really confuse.

“I guess I’ll be giving you a little freedom but that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. You are still going to work for me”

I try to fight the smile that is starting to form on my lips as I heard the word freedom but still the suspicion hasn’t leaved me.  This couldn’t be true, the heartless jerk? Nah!!!

“Why?” I once again asked.

“What?” he said sounding annoyed as I asked the same question.

“why all of a sudden?” he looks at me, looks down then look outside as he scratch the back of his head while trying to find his tongue. I just watch him waiting for his explanation.

“be—cause I’m—“


“I’m sorry”, he said with his eyes closed.

Eh? Did I hear it right? The jerk said his sorry.

Seunghyun’s POV

“Are you sick?”


My eyebrow creased due to annoyance as I heard that stupid question of her. I just told her that I’m sorry and now she thinks I’m sick?

She’s really out of her mind and so am, I. Since when did I learn to be sorry and why am I letting her kill my ego just like this?

Tsk, alright maybe I’m really sick. CRAP!!!

“It’s just weird hearing it from you”, she then mumble.

“Look who’s talking”, I rolled my eyes at her. She was the first one who acted weirdly because of that friend, what the hell.

 “You’re saying something?”  I shook my head and just decided to look outside the dark garden. Is she really planning on jumping out there just to get away from me?

“Seunghyun-shii”, I look at her. I think it’s the first time I heard her say my name and it sounds weird—No, beautiful.

“Hey, still here?” she snap her fingers infront of my face making me startle for a bit.

“what?” I then asked. A wide grin plastered on her lips as she looks at me.

 “Before you change your mind, I better get going, right”, she wave the key and speed off downstairs toward the front door leaving my mouth hanging open, dumb folded.

IN BETWEEN TWO BOULDERS (on hold - editing chapters)Where stories live. Discover now