Chapter 1: Reincarnation

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As he slowly lost all consciousness and seeped into the darkness, a bright light awoke him from his deep slumber.

"Was this the so-called light at the end of the tunnel?" Chris joked, seemingly amused by this strange turn of events.

But before he could make any sense of the situation, a splitting headache that felt as if his soul was about to be ripped apart hit him.

It was really as if there was an unknown force of some kind pulling and ripping apart his frail soul.

"Argggh!!" He screamed in agony. Even death was better than experiencing this excruciating pain.

As if Fate had taken pity on his plight, his pain eventually stopped, followed by a wave of foreign memories that came crashing into his consciousness.

"The Human Realm" "The Overworld" "Martial Continent" "Durandal Empire"

Among all these information that popped up in his head, there was one information that intrigued him the most.

"Cultivators- those who oppose the heavens"

"Interesting... Looks like there are some things worth living for..."
Chris murmured as he felt a sudden warmth surge through his body.

"Wait... I have a body??" This sudden realisation struck him like a hammer on his head.

As he tried to open his eyes and make sense of what was going on, he was hit by a putrid stench that was familiar, and yet so foreign.

It was the stench of death.

Or more specifically, it was the stench of rotting bodies, bodies that had probably been decaying for a long time.

Instinctively, Chris jerked up immediately, warily scanning the surroundings.

However, to his relief, there was no sign of danger.

Sighing in relief, he stretched his muscles that had oddly become stiff and tense.

"As expected..." Chris' speculations were confirmed.

He had suspected that he had transmigrated, and the fact that his body was stiff further confirmed that.

"Murdered huh... Whoever you were, now that I'm using your body I will take revenge for you!"

Maybe it was in response to his determination to take revenge for the original owner of the body, a new wave of memories struck him and flooded his "sea of consciousness".

"I see... so he was killed in a Colosseum match. But being killed in one hit?" Chris did not know whether to laugh or cry.

The original owner of this body was a slave of the colosseum. In order that he might be set free, he took up the challenge and fought in a match. It was the only way the Colosseum would allow someone like him, a mere slave, to be free.

The outcome was not difficult to expect. A scrawny, even emaciated slave who was barely the age of 12, against a brawny, muscular man. He did not even stand a fighting chance.

With a single blow, he was sent flying out of the ring, and they quickly disposed of his body by sending it to the graveyard.

"The plight of the weak..." sneered Chris as he swept the dust off his sleeves.

He was different. Only he knew the true power he had.

As he reminisced his power from the past, he sat down and shut his eyes, going into a state of meditation.

It was still there. His power had not disappeared. Chris smirked as he starting activating his power.

"Soul Sap"

As he muttered these words in his head, little balls of light arose from the dead bodies around him. They were all parts of the souls of those who had died, what he called fragments of their sea of consciousness.

As time passed, these balls of light could be seen disappearing, as if they had been absorbed by him.

Chris opened his eyes as his complexion looked less pale before. Somehow, he had looked healthier as the vigour in his eyes could be seen.

He had recovered from the mental damage his soul experienced as it travelled through the cracks of space and time. He was lucky not to get caught, if not he wouldn't have been able to make it here in one piece.

"Now, time to explore this new world." thought Chris as the wide grin on his face revealed his excitement.

"Before that, how do I even get out of here?!?" smiled Chris wryly as he began using his Soul Sense to scan the surroundings.

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