lol it's sydny, lucas. nanyt. xxx

And then..

call me whatever you want, babe. i'll see yah. x

I resisted the urge to send him some names I'd like to call him, but decided to leave it at that. Because I nearly dropped my phone when I bumped into someone.

I remembered that one time I bumped into Luke backstage. So I almost expected to see blue eyes, but the eyes that are looking at me are green, and bloodshot.

Her face, familiar. Her red hair flowing down. Her nose, red, as if she'd been crying.

"Madison?" I asked. It was her; The girl Luke and I met at a convenience store on our... first date. I remember her clearly. She helped us escaped from the cops. But I doubt she remembers me.

"Sydny. Yeah." She smiled, like it took all her guts to move the muscles in her face that way.

"You remember me?" I smiled.

Madison let out a hollow laugh. "Of course. You're Luke Hemmings' girlfriend."

I frowned. "No. Um, not really. I'm not his girlfriend."

"But you were on a date that night, right?" She asked. "Plus I see a few pictures of you two on twitter."

"You do? We have pictures on twitter?! And, that night was just a date. We're not actually dating." Wow. I just posted a selfie of Luke and I once.

She nodded. "I think some of the 5SOSFam sees you two walking around here."

"Oh." Is that good or bad? How many hate am I getting on twitter already?

"Don't worry, Sydny. They love you." Madison said, as if reading my thoughts. "You two look perfect together, unlike..." Then she started sobbing.

"A-are you okay?" I moved the hair out of her face.

Madison shook her head. "I don't think so."

"Why?" I asked. "What happened?"

Madison shrugged. "It's a long story."

"Aw, I'm sure you need to let it out." I said, patting her back. "Come on, let's get you something to drink."

We went to the nearest starbucks and ordered one mocha, and one caramel latté. Madison stopped sobbing while we were walking. She looks like she's currently going through a huge mess. I wish she would tell me what happened.

"So, Madison." I started, placing my coffee on the table. "What's happening? Why were you crying?"

"Oh, Sydny." She sighed. "I doubt you want to hear the bullshit that's going on."

"No, no. It's okay. Go ahead, tell me."

"Alright." Madison took a deep breath. "I just lost my job yesterday. It's the main source of my income. I could still pay my rent for a couple of months, though. It's just.. Im afraid to run out." She let out a shaky laugh.

"Where's your family? Did you ask help from them?"

She shook her head. "I left when I was 17. I couldn't stand being around them. I could survive on my own anyway. And I'm already looking for a job. Hopefully, I get one this week. But, this whole thing is not really the reason I cried." She tried to smile, but her tears escaped her eyes and streamed down her face.

"Hey, you could tell me anything." I smiled, patting om her hand.

"My.. my boyfriend and I broke up."

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. "Oh. Right. Boy problem. Of course."

Madison laughed a little bit. "Yeah, it's stupid right? I shouldn't be crying over a jerk like him." She shrugged. "Anyway, I caught him cheating on me. Just this afternoon. H-he had this stupid blonde bitch on his flat. And she was wearing his shirt! Can you believe it?" Madison practically wailed.

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