Chapter 8

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"Softpaw, don't be afraid to show some mettle! You too Cloudpaw!" Weaselpelt yowled. Softpaw dodged a swipe from the tom, narrowing her eyes to focus on him. Cloudpaw's strike missed and he landed on the ground.

A brown tabby and white she-cat trotted over with Blacktuft by her side. "Weaselpelt, we have more recruits." She meowed.

The dapple ginger cat's ears pricked. "Excellent Leafdust. Have you brought them?" He asked. Leafdust nodded her head and flicked her tail for the cats to come into the bright open clearing.

Webpelt padded into the open along with Turtleheart. Leafdust watched the ginger tom pad around them. "Well Weaselpelt?" She mewed.

"Hmm, good stature. Nice legs on this one," he sniffed Turtleheart's pelt. Webpelt gave a small hop. "What about me?" He meowed, his eyes hungry for approval. Blacktuft looked him over. "You're small, but even though you didn't participate in the battle, you were quick in the tunnels." She explained.

Softpaw's eyes widened and Cloudpaw pricked his ears. "You could see us?" He asked. Leafdust hooked a flower petal with one claw. "Let's just say certain kinds of cats can see everything." She replied.

Softpaw blinked looking confused. "Okay?" She looked at the others now. "Should we continue?"

"We can continue, but word of advice Cloudpaw, you were kind of slow. Like most living cats." Leafdust rumbled. Cloudpaw's blue eyes flashed. "I can be faster!" He yowled eagerly.

"You might be able to be faster, but you won't be as fast as me!" Softpaw declared puffing put her chest and the two began training again.

"Why are you two here?" Blacktuft asked. Webpelt straightened up. "When I was a kittypet, me and Ashfang lived with a horrible Twoleg. We were scared of him, but Ash finally got the courage for both of us to run away. We don't want to be helpless. We want to protect others and fight for our new friends." He meowed.

Turtleheart curled his tail. "I'm here because I want to be able to protect my new Clan. But mostly my mate and kits from my former Clanmates." He growled, his claws sliding out.

Weaselpelt's eyes gleamed. "Yes, let your anger make you stronger. You'll do good indeed." He purred.

"Ha! I win!" Softpaw meowed as she stood over Cloudpaw. She purred and let him up. Cloudpaw shook his fur. "Let me try again!" He panted.

"Yeah right!" Softpaw taunted. The brown tabby apprentice turned away to the older cats. Turtleheart purred in amusement. "He's so much like his father. Energetic."

"Grrr!" Cloudpaw pounced on her from behind. Turtleheart tried to got between them, but Softpaw's forepaw flailed wildly and he moved back. She lashed out and slashed his muzzle. "Ow!" He screeched and flung himself back.

Her eyes widened in shock. "Cloudpaw! I'n sorry," but her apology was cur short by both Blacktuft, Weaselpelt, and Leafdust who were sitting with smiles on their lips.

"Excellent work Softpaw." Blacktuft purred. Weaselpelt nodded beside her. "Yes. How you moved so swiftly, your stance,"

"And it's all thanks to me for finding him." Leafdust purred in a cocky tone. Blacktuft and Weaselpelt rolled their eyes in annoyance. Softpaw shook her head. "But I scratched him! I drew blood, and I didn't mean to!" She looked at the three older cats.

"Pain means you're just progressing." Blacktuft scoffed with a dismissive flick of her plumy tail. Leafdust gave a curt nod. "Yes. Your reflexes were sharp too." She added.

She looked over at Cloudpaw, her green eyes bright with guilt. "Well, if it's a good thing, okay." She purred as she stared down at her claws, the tips of them bright with her Clanmate's blood. Softpaw pushed her guilt away. She had done a good thing. Not really. But the Great Cats sent her here for a reason; and that reason was her Clan.

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