Chapter Three: Rejection

Start from the beginning

When my Luna sees Zev she instantly nods her respects. She is obviously not clued into the fact that we're mates. I look at Leon in annoyance. When he doesn't seem to receive the message, I question, "Have you not told them yet?"

Leon's eyes go wide at the question, in response, he violently shakes his head in a no. The Luna, as his mother, looks between the two of us in questioning, and a spark of annoyance.

"Anyways, Luna, you needed to speak with me?" I say, interrupting the inevitable lecture that is about to go down.

Instantly the lecture leaves my Luna's mind and she exclaims, "Oh yes!" She gathers up her thoughts and then explains, "My mate-," she corrects herself, "Your Alpha, wanted to let you know that you're exempt from being apart of the rest of the unmated get-togethers. Later this week he'll be setting a meeting with other unmated alpha's a special one for you."

I can feel the anger radiating from Zev so I elbow him in the stomach to keep his mouth shut. A realization hits my Luna, but not the one I desired, "Oh, has he not come round to tell you that you're a true alpha?"

"No, he hadn't, but there was no need. I've talked to my wolf about it already," I respond. Then I say, "And let him know that the special alpha 'get-together' will not be required."

My Luna looks at me in bewilderment, "But don't you want to find your mate?"

"You know my feelings towards mating in regards to myself. While I bless those who find their mates, I am not currently in a position to accept a mating," I answer.

I can feel Zev sneak his hand under the hem of my shirt. I don't react, hoping to keep the fact secret from my Luna, whose mentally struggling before us. She opens her mouth before closing it once again after another moment. Her body tenses and her eyes trail over to Zev. She stays tense and then nods to Zev. She looks back at me in disappointment and then turns and leaves.

Leon is about to leave as well when he quietly mutters, "She interpreted the situation wrong. I'm not going to tell them you're mates, that's up to you Cas." Then he disappears after her down the hallway.

Once the door is closed Zev moves his hand around to my hip and puts his other hand on the opposite hip. He leans over my shoulder and asks, "Why didn't you tell her?"

On the verge of tears, due to my wolf, I answer snappily, "Just because I can't reject you, doesn't mean I have to accept you Zev."

"Say that again," Zev purrs.

"What?" I ask surprised, I had just said something definitely not purr worthy.

"My name," he whispers in to my ear softly.

"Zev?" I say, questioning.

"Casmoke," he purrs back.

"No one calls me that," I respond, turning my head away from him.

He takes a deep breath and replies, "But I call you Casmoke."

I shake my head with a sigh and step away from him, drawing away from his touch. I tell Zev I'm going to clear my head and then hurry away from him. Everything about me, and my wolf, wants him. My logic is starting to lose the struggle against my instincts when I am with him.

I'm about to escape into the woods for a run when I'm roped into helping prepare for tonight's dinner, where the two pack's unmated, and newly mated, will be together. These are always two-day-long events. First the socialization, then the dinner. After that, the visiting pack is allowed three days before they are to depart. Leaving behind their mated females and bringing back the females newly mated to their wolves.

We're almost fully prepared when I hear a commotion going on in the open room. I rush over and see the mated twins from yesterday bickering. As soon as I've walked in I start growling. They both stop and freeze at the sound. I march up to the two and demand, "What is it this time you two?"

"I'm sorry Cas," Lilith apologizes to me. "I keep speaking without thinking. I'm very unsure how to go about this situation."

"Come here," I say softly. She comes over to me and I draw her into a quick hug. Then holding her out at arm's length. "I will help you through this Lilith," I state confidently.

"But I'm leaving with them soon," Lilith mutters. I think about it for a moment and then wink at her.

I turn her around and put by arms over her shoulders. Looking up at her obviously angry, with me now, mates I smirk. "You two are adorable. Keep it up and I'll neuter the both of you. Keep your mate's happiness in mind next time you want to fight over her," I chide in a motherly tone.

"Yes, Miss Alpha," they both say, bowing slightly towards me.

I laugh and suddenly Lilith exclaims, "Cas is an alpha?" I chuckle and then nod to her.

I leave the three of them to make up about the issue they'd had in the first place. When I've returned to the dining hall I see that the preparations have already been completed. The table for the newly mated wolves distinctly different from the others. A few of our mated couples are finishing up their own dinners before heading out to get out of the way for the unmated to take over the place.

Leon and I scarf down our own dinners right before the unmated start to come in, finding places to sit. As more and more wolves file in I pray for a peaceful night, and to that, I won't do anything stupid if I come upon some girl flirting with my mate.

/// AN ///
Probably not what you were expecting. I've a feeling that Casmoke's wish for a peaceful night is asking for too much. The universe has its ways with you asking for peace and getting nothing of the sort.

Edit: Lilith was accidentally referred to as "Lillian" this has been fixed

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