He was looking at Richard first, but when his eyes landed on me he raised a brow and looked back at Richard. I looked him over and rolled my eyes hard before turning my back to him again.

The look he gave me when he realized who I was made me say a silent prayer; thanking the Lord above when the doors opened and we were allowed inside.

We found our seats in the middle close to the top of the theater. I was taking off my coat when the sent of Creed filled my nostrils and stayed to my left. I slowly looked to my left and saw Michael getting comfortable and looking as though he was really into the ads on the screen.

"Sup with you B?" He asked before looking over at me and raising a brow. I glanced over at Richard to see him turning his phone off, but quickly looked back at Michael when I caught him placing an arm over the back of my seat.

"Hi Bakari-" I glared at Michael while he looked none too pleased himself. Richard leaned over when he heard us talking and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Richard...you two know each other?" Michael tore his eyes off of me and looked over at Richard as if he was intruding on our conversation even though he was MY date! I smiled weakly at him and nodded my head.

"Yeah, I was telling you about me reading comic books with my friend, this is my friend-" Michael leaned in to the point our faces almost touched causing me to back up a bit. He took his free hand and stuck it out for Richard to shake.

"Bakari, nice to meet your Richard." I looked over at Michael's date and saw she was too busy on her phone to care that her date was now leaning over me and looking more like my date than hers.

"Bakari huh, that's Swahili right?" Michael looked a bit taken back and eyed me before smirking.

"Yes it is, it means-" Richard held his hand up and spoke.

"Noble Promise." My head snapped to my right and now both Michael and I were looking at him like he was crazy.

"How do you know that?" I asked the question Michael's face was asking. Richard looked at the both of us and laughed a bit.

"Oh you know I work at Morgan Bella. See, I'm a professor there and I teach world history. Swahili is something we are working on now and yeah...I just know." Richard sat back looking a bit proud of himself and started looking at the opening credits while Michael and I looked at each other.

I looked behind me and saw Michael's arm was not only still on the back of my chair, but he now was rubbing my shoulder. I looked at his hand on my shoulder before looking back at him and poked his side making him look down at me.

"What?" He mouth and I pointed to his arm. He looked at it and looked back at me confused.

I sighed out of annoyance while grabbing my phone to text him so I didn't have to bring too much attention to us.

-Michael move your damn arm from around my chair!

I put my phone down and waited for Michael to get my message. Not even a minute later I watched him grab his phone out of his pocket and look at the home screen. He smirked and opened it up and used his free hand to I guess text me back.

Why? I'm comfortable-

Came across my watch and I smacked my lips.

-My nigga your date is on the other side of you, show your pussy appointment some attention

I sent him and cut my eyes at him. Michael looked at his phone before looking at his date and looked back at me while making a un-bothered face.

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