12 dead man.

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I woke up in a cage facing asheigh. " the tiger vs the the octopus. fight. "

"what the hell going on her."i said looking around.

but ash attacked me with these claws. " you need to die dawn!" she screamed at me.

she came at me. I flipped her on to her back. " what's going on?"i asked her.

" only one of use can live."she laughed.

what the hell happened. I got up and kicked her head knocking her out with one foot. then we got gas. I woke up in a room. where the hell am I. I looked to the t.v and i watch ash have part of a lung taken out. i tried to break out of the room but it was locked. prison.

time came and i got let out and there were other. I got one to speck. they told me about the branch of si.

i was pissed off. i found ash she was reviving but that was brutal how they took her lung. i notices on her should she had one of the marks my father was talking about. I found on my hand the rose. that means Jericho has the remaining two. I wounder if i can use the pureblood pures still.

I fouces go ture the room into bule flames. that was the demtion my power was at its highest.

steel is my blood so that explains my power. I got up "ash come on wake up."i whisper.

the doctor came in. " octo what are you doing here. you two hate each other. should be grateful. "she said.

i turned and glared. she backed off and pushed alerm. i asume it was against me i grabbed her skull and slamed her against the wall. then crushed her head. then these people with glowing bule weapons faced me ever side. the human blood lust was back. " hahaha. shot your selfve in the head."i smiled.

they started shooting each other and i turned them into dust. i went back and aid ash over my shoulder. we head down a path and i just eliminate every one with one look and the bullets defect. thank you pure blood powers.

we came to a broken brigure and i leep with her across. " how are you doing this."

"i still have contral of my vampire powers. sorry about kicking you in the head."i said

" its all right."she said before passing out.

i got her onto my back and I came to more prisioner. " we want out."

"you have to hold your own though."

the followed me and we got to the last enternces. i can charge that. to a ran into it knocking it down. the door went flying. there where mashine then that spit acid. so i curshed in the roof. " octo got moves."one of them said.

i turned around and i started to shape shift back to the vampire i was and i take one of them draining them. then i snaped back to this world's one.

i got up and picked ash up and went on my rampage. we got in to normal levels and there was this lady with a teenage asseint. " get the grauds. the prisoner are rioting."

" i guess I better."help ash said.

she teleporter out. bitch. i when into battle with the graud, just killing them now. because i was losing my cool. the other ones where using blood. I wounder. i bit my finger and a tenteal of blood.

it stuck to things. usless so i went back to what I was doing. 5 mintues the other were down i was surrounded perfect. " oh no you got me..."i smiled with a huge grin.

" Now die!"i said they all brust into blue flames.

i stood in the fire and the gun shoots came from around i redericted them then ash came back with a sword and started to attack me. "so it's came down to this you want to kill your beast friend."

" i want to go home. "

"its your flaut the others are dead im not dying for your mistakes. "i told her.

she swing. at me i douged and them hooked my foot onto the Due side and lunch it into her thoart cuting her head off. i pick up her head and ran.

soon i found myself then getting chase and attacked my other dead man. then i found my self in a new world. i have to kill Jericho.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2019 ⏰

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