"Come on, ladies." Yen He led the group in picking Yu Hua up effortlessly and carrying him over to a large wooden tub filled with warm water. 

"A-ah?" Yu Hua stammered as they made their way over. "H-how are you all so strong?"

"Washing clothes." Yen He said. 

"Carrying clothes." Jun Yin replied. 

"Clothes in general." Ke Li shrugged. 

"H-hey - !" Yu Hua exclaimed, promptly being dropped into the warm water. Tingles of pleasure ran up his back from the warm water, but he still glared accusingly towards his three chambermaids. 

"Oh, stop it." Yen He frowned, throwing a bucket of rose petals into the water. Quite a few of them stuck to Yu Hua's long, shiny black hair and his white jade face, making him peeved. He blew away a petal stuck to his nose and frowned at Yen He. 

"We'll have you shining for the Emperor." Ke Li smiled, dropping several bathing beans into the bath. They rubbed something into Yu Hua's hair, making it soft and silky. 

Then Yu Hua had a milk bath where they rubbed mung beans onto his face and made him drink fifteen cups of tea. By the end of it, Yu Hua felt sick. Nonetheless, it was undeniable what it had done to him. His skin had achieved a flawless, glowy, pearly sheen, his cheeks and lips redder, his jade white skin soft and silky to the touch. His hair, as well, was softer and shinier than Yu Hua had ever seen it, and everything made Yu Hua look even more like an untouchable high immortal from the Nine Heavens. 

Yen He snorted proudly upon seeing Yu Hua's reaction in the bronze mirror. 

"And now we dress you!" Ke Li exclaimed excitedly. 

Jun Yin was already preparing the bridal robes, clothes made of beautiful red silk and chiffon embroidered with fierce and graceful peacocks. On the hem, there were also golden lotuses sown into the material. 

The bodice was made out of layered material first, covering up most of his chest, and then a dazzling bodice overtop sewn with thousands of crystals and specks of jade. Two large phoenixes were entwined over the top of the bodice, and then the material split again, giving to many more layers of soft, almost see-through material embroidered with more phoenixes. 

However, on the top of the largest part of Yu Hua's train, where it was almost just one full swass of red, there was a magnificent, fierce embroidered dragon; as if proclaiming Yu Hua as the Emperor's. 

It was very heavy and flared so exquisitely that Yu Hua's trains would slope behind him wherever he walked. 

It was quite easy to say that Yu Hua looked dazzling, too stunning for words to even begin describing him. 

 The three maids themselves was close to crying. 

They had given him no jewelry, he was already dazzling enough on his own, but throughout the entire time they continuously stared pointedly at his finger, as if imagining the beautiful ring to tie together the entire look. 

They left his hair loose and flowing, which framed his face perfectly, and last, a red silk veil which they draped over his head. His eyes were still unnervingly beautiful and sharp through the sheer cloth, which made whoever looking at him take in a sharp breath. 

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