More Developements

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Things developed over the next few days. I apologized to Chiffordan for the harsh words of the previous day, but he acted like he didn't even know what I was talking about, which was surprising considering how hurt he seemed the previous night. He became a close friend of Satyam, much to the annoyance of Satyam's roommate Daksh. Daksh started hanging out in mine or Harsh's room, which Chiffordan would always try to emphasise as a bad idea. Daksh would tell me that he could probably handle Satyam if he was on his own, but his constant being with the annoying lunacy amplifier Chiffordan made the duo too much for him to handle. Daksh was simple and practical, like I was. He didn't have the same geekiness and workout desire I had, but I wasn't ridiculous. He liked being with me.

By the end of the first week I was of course still figuring out the college, but Chiffordan acted like he already knew the whole place, refusing to ever admit he was wrong. Full of arrogance and ignorance. There weren't any more indications that week of him saying he was chief or anything, not to my face, but I wouldn't be surprised if he told it to a bunch of other people when I wasn't there. I had learnt that despite the guy acting like some obnoxious boss, he was actually very sensitive to taunts and confrontation, he wasn't tough at all, a wimp. I had apologized to him well before, and while he acted like he took it well (ignored it), I had the strong feeling that he couldn't forgive me, that I was now labelled a 'bad guy' in his head, but I had also felt that he wasn't the guy to take action for his all too easily acquired grudges against me, I learned to ignore him. I later learned to my great disgust that this was a mistake.

Soon enough our classes started. I thought it would be an excuse to be with my roommate less as I hung around in the library or someone else. My roommate was always in his room, except for the few times he called me, then he would leave before I'd ever arrive. I learned to not take him seriously if he ever called me to his room. Even this was something he later tried to use against me.

Class meant I had an excuse to stay away from Chiffordan most of the day. One that Chiffordan would actually accept. I was surprised that I learned it so late, he literally would stop being any type of kind to even his own friends if he found out if he or she had bad grades. About a week after our classes started this even happened with Satyam. Satyam admitted to Chiffordan that he had gotten a rank of 35600 something in our university entrance test, a relatively low score, and Chiff' started relentlessly nagging him on how he had to start studying more, he refused to continue the normal non-academic conversation they were just having. Satyam was really pissed of the rest of the day, and Chiffordan boasted to me about his annoyance at him telling on his grades. I bothered to ask Chiffordan about his grades, and he told me straight faced that he gets really high marks, I made the mistake of believing him.

As the content of the classes transitioned to actual material, was when this showed up more and more, Chiffordan would brag about only talking to the nerdiest highest scoring people in his class. I would hear that he liked all of them except for this guy named kartikeya Chauhan. Kartikeya was very intelligent and analytical, a first-year computer science student, but he was also very obsessed with psychology and philosophy and personalities and the like. And was usually seen reading a book on any of the above, participating in online forums on the same on his smartphone, or lecturing things about what he knew to others. He kept insisting to others that Kartikeya's philosophy and psychology studies were a waste of time, some of the guys ignored him, some agreed, and others were pissed off, Chiffordan seemed to be someone to one that wouldn't change his mind about anything. He was so stiff in his views that even Kartikeya couldn't argue with him, not with any success that is.

I tried to ignore this roommate I had, but that isn't my nature, more and more news seemed to pop up about Chiffordan, and I am not the one to ignore what I hear of around me. By now I already knew a few people with deplorable roommates, many didn't care about knowing anything about their roommates at all, that could never be me. I would hear and listen to anything that crossed my ears, it was one of the things I set out to do, when I came to this college.

News about the nearby dudes, Chiffordan, the teachers, our classmates, the seniors, I would listen to it all. One night, I was playing 'Mafia' with Harsh, Daksh and a few others. A guessing game where the 'Police' must eventually guess the 'mafia' as he kills off the other players, one of those blind guessing games that you play sitting around with your eyes closed. Before the game, I heard the news of a new guy moving into the room at the end of the corridor, opposite the room we were playing the game in. rumour had it that the guy had moved into that room only then because his previous roommate had found him a huge jerk, I tried to ask more, but no one was willing to say anything else, so I just went on with the game, mafia was a lot of fun.

After the game, I agreed to stay with Harsh Rathi for a few moments, he told me about how Chiffordan was seen talking to countless random girls, and how the girls always walked off in disgust after that (honestly wasn't hard to believe). Two days later, I managed to meet one of the girls Chiffordan had talked to, her name was Anushka. She had nearly the same impression of Chiffordan as I did, arrogant, repulsive, delusions of grandeur, sees you as an enemy if you disagree with him. She told me that it was dead obvious that Chiffordan was hitting on her, and she had never even seen him before, it was on saying this that she paced off to tell all this to her friends.

After she left it set me thinking, my ass-headed roommate actually tried to seduce a random college girl in his new college. I though of this with bewilderment, this was sure to attract trouble soon, and to be honest, that girl wasn't even hot enough for most college freshmen to want action with her on first sight, and that was really saying something.

Days passed, classes started hypertrophying, friend groups started forming, I found a few guys who were interested in the same sports as I was, and more and more news came out, about the classes, teachers, other guys, but especially about my roommate. I had herd tales of how flocks of girls were disgusted at him, and how he berated any person who dissented him. How his arrogance was beyond bounds, how he was very rude to people with low scores and attendance. I have to say all this mass dissent of females was pretty good at widening my prospects. Like my roommate, I too had the tendency to meet random girls, and the crowd of people who didn't like Chiffordan really widened my dating prospects. Thanks to him, I was able to get a girl in the first 3 weeks of college, and it was right after this that the seniors came.

Staying with Chiffordanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن