Chapter 6- The Other Woman

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"Ooh, you should totally do that color! It's so cute," I suggested to Charlotte as we were looking through different bottles of nail polish.

"The aqua one? You're right, it is cute. K, I'll do that for my manicure," she consented.

I was getting my nails done with Charlotte for the charity event that I'd attend tonight at the five-star US Grant Hotel downtown. Everyone was supposed to dress their best because it basically was a large gala dinner. There would also be live music from one of the local bands here in San Diego.

The money we raised tonight would go to benefit a children's hospital over in Africa. I had only gone to two other charity events before with Derek ever since we got married. The bake sale was probably my favorite one by far.

Who didn't love sweets?

Speaking of my husband, he was currently at his office right now even though it was a Saturday. He had to get a few things ready for the San Francisco business trip he'd go on tomorrow. His secretary, Ashley, would accompany him.

I'd heard Derek mention her in the past, but I never got to actually meet her before. She wasn't at the last two charity fundraisers because each time they took place, she'd be out of town. But tonight, I'd finally have the chance to see her in person. Derek had told me himself that she would be present.

I decided to get a French mani pedi since it'd look nice with the dress I was wearing tonight. I had also originally planned on doing my hair at home, but Charlotte insisted we go to a salon. She needed a haircut herself, too, so I thought, why not?

Two hours later, we were both walking out of Vanity Hair Salon. My hairdresser had suggested I do a side bun with a braid running through the back. And let me tell you, I was absolutely in love with it.

"Oh my god, Claire, you look so pretty! Wait, let me take a picture real quick!", Charlotte exclaimed, digging in her purse for her phone.

"Of me? But we're in the middle of a parking lot," I said with a laugh.

"Who cares? And no, it'll just be your hair. But I can take one of you, too, if you want."

"Just the hair is fine."

"Ok. Turn around," she instructed before taking a picture of my bun.

"How does it look?", I asked her.

"Absolutely stunning. I'm so putting this on Instagram and Pinterest," she replied excitedly.

"K. Well, I have to go home and get ready now. See you next time," I said, giving Charlotte a hug.

"See ya. Oh, and by the way, make sure Derek doesn't faint when he sees you in that dress. 'Cause trust me, you'll look like an international model in it," she remarked with a mischievous gleam in her eyes. I playfully elbowed her in the ribs.

"I'm sure he's been with plenty of models before."

"But you're the prettiest out of them all."

Charlotte gave me a wink then headed towards her car, which was parked on the other side of the lot.

"Take pictures!", she called over her shoulder.

"I will!"

Oh Charlotte...

It was five by the time I got home. Derek pulled into the driveway just as I was getting out of my car. I greeted him with a nod then headed inside the house.

We'd been getting along quite well these past couple of weeks. There hadn't been any major disagreements, mainly because neither of us really talked to the other, and he spent most of his time at work. But at least we were both trying to make an effort.

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