Australia (Haz Osterfield)

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[Strap in chicas...I just wrote a Harrison one by request. Also, it may get suggestive ;) so caution... ~M]

*Your POV*

    "Okay, but have you seen 47 Meters Down?! When you said 'surprise' I was thinking like 'oh a romantic waterfall hike' or snorkeling, but noooo! Your mind went immediately to 'let's get into a shark cage and swim with great whites!'  Are you trying to get me killed, Haz?" I exclaim, throwing my hands up dramatically as the boat sways back and forth beneath my feet. My boyfriend stares at me with a blank expression, but pulls me into a hug.

     "Babe, if anything happens, I'll sacrifice myself to the sharks before I let them get to you. Also, this boat is not nearly as sketchy as in that movie. We'll be safe. I promise."  My boyfriend mumbles as he continues to hug me. I groan, and pull away.

    "Fine! But only because this is a once in a lifetime experience." I sigh, making him smile.

     "Sweet! Let's suit up!" He cheers, sitting down to put on his wet suit.

    "Did you just reference the Avengers?" I giggle, and he rolls his eyes. "Dork."

     "Hey! You're the dork here!" He gasps.

    "How?!" I pretend to be mad and scowl, but I can't help but laugh. He shakes his head, and finishes putting on his wet suit. I do the same, and the instructor debriefs us on safety rules.

"Ready?" Haz asks, looking up at me as he lowers himself into the cage. Just before putting his head under, he secures his scuba mask. The instructor helps me get into the cage next, and I slip under the water.

At first I see nothing but miles of water around us. Haz looks over to me and gives me a thumbs up, but I'm busy checking to make sure the cage is actually secure. After giving it a once over, I begin to calm down. We aren't deep below the boat anyways, and we can easily get out of the top of the cage if it starts to break. I turn to look back at Haz, but over his shoulder I spot something moving towards us gracefully. I wack Haz's arm as I begin to freak out from both adrenaline, fear, and excitement. It's a huge Great White Shark. It's not coming in to attack, but rather it's swimming by calmly. It's bigger than I expected, and I feel my heart pumping faster even though there's no immediate danger. I can see Haz's eyes widen as he watches the shark. He's obviously excited. He has an underwater camera and begins taking pictures frantically. He then takes a picture of me with the shark in the background. After awhile (about 6 sharks later), we resurface and get back on the boat.

"That was incredible, (Y/N)!" Haz gasps as he leans in to kiss me once our scuba gear is off. His lips taste like salt water and I make a disgusted face at the saltiness. He chuckles, and begins to look over the photos he took underwater.

The boat heads back to shore, and once we're docked, Haz and I head back to our hotel. We shower and change, but he warns me that he has one more surprise in store tonight. He tells me to dress nicely, and I know where this is going...

Less than an hour later, I find myself sitting in an extremely fancy restaurant. Haz is looking across the table at me dreamily, and I blush and pretend to look down at my menu.

"The perfect way to end our Australian couples trip?" Haz asks, as the waiter pours an expensive wine into my glass.

"Yes. We had adventure, romance, food, animals, photography...what could top that?" I smile.

"Tonight's our last night here. I can't imagine taking this trip with anyone but you. I love you so much, baby." Haz lets out a thoughtful sigh as he looks at me. Our food arrives soon after, and we talk throughout the meal about anything and everything.

As we're waiting for our rental car to come back from valet parking, I pull Haz aside.

"You've given me so many great surprises on our trip, that I feel like I owe you one too." I say, trying to hint at something sexual. Of course this goes over Haz's head and he shrugs.

"You don't owe me anything. I surprise you because I love you." He states plainly.

"No, Haz, you dork! I mean, I want to GIVE YOU a special surprise tonight." I emphasize. His eyes widen and he stares at me in awe.

"What kind of s—surprise." His voice cracks and I giggle. He's such a cutie sometimes.

"Something that will make you feel good." I say innocently, sounding factual rather than seductive. Before he can answer, the driver pulls up with the car and hands Haz the keys.

"Thanks sir! Here's your tip! Bye!" Haz says in a rushed tone to the valet, before practically shoving me into the car. I laugh as he hits the gas pedal hard, acting like he couldn't wait another second to get back to our suite. I rest my hand on his thigh as he drives, and he bites his lip and pretends not to notice. I slide my hand up slightly, and I can feel him shiver.

"Stop—just wait until—ugh—" he groans in frustration.

"What? I'm not doing anything." I state innocently. He remains quiet until he pulls into the hotel parking lot.

"Upstairs. Bed. No clothes. Now." He mumbles as he speeds into a parking space. Little does he know that I'd specifically packed special lingerie for this trip...he's in for a treat.

[First one I've ever done for Harrison Osterfield! Let me know what you think! Do you want more Haz ones in the future? Also which boy do you want next? Tom? Harry? Sam? Peter Parker? Lemme know! Comment!]

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