Spin The Bottle (Peter Parker)

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*Peter's POV*

I usually wasn't invited to cool high school parties, but tonight was different. (Y/N) was throwing a killer Halloween party, and because her mom was friends with my aunt, I practically grew up being best friends with (Y/N). That is until we got into high school, and (Y/N) became insanely popular. She still talked to me, but if she wasn't hosting this party there was no way I'd have been invited at all. I was barely a spec on the social radar.

      I walked into (Y/N)'s large house, and the place was crowded with teens I barely recognized. I made my way towards the living room, and spotted Flash dressed as a football player...real creative. There were like 3 different guys dressed in knockoff Spider-Man costumes, and I smiled to myself. I made my way towards the basement, where I knew it'd be less crowded. I was surprised to find (Y/N) down there with only about 6 or 7 other people. A guy and a girl were playing video games on the basement TV, and (Y/N) looked up from her conversation to wave at me. She was wearing a cat woman costume, and she looked amazing in it.

    "Peter!" She yelled in excitement as she got up to hug me.

     "(Y/N)!" I mimicked her enthusiasm.

     Internally my heart was beating a thousand miles an hour, because I'd had a crush on her for as long as I could remember.

    "Nice Batman costume! Totally unplanned." She laughed as she gestured to my get-up.

    "Dude, I'm bored!" A girl complained as she shook (Y/N)'s shoulder, causing her to look away from me.

    "We could play spin the bottle!" A guy dressed as a 50's biker smirked as he looked at a girl who I was pretty sure was named Jessica.

     "Of course you'd suggest that, Mick!" Jessica scoffed with a roll of her eyes. A few of the other teens began to nod, before all settling down in a circle formation on the floor. (Y/N) looked at me as if asking if I was in, and to my surprise I nodded and sat down. Mick grabbed an empty root beer bottle and placed in the center of the circle. The 7 of us all took turns spinning. Mick kissed some girl named Sharon before kissing Jessica on her turn. Some guy named Daryl kissed a girl named Amy, and Amy had to kiss Sharon. When it was (Y/N)'s turn, I froze. She spun the bottle, and it landed on the girl next to me.

    Dang it.

     (Y/N) let out a laugh and shrugged, before quickly pecking the girl. I felt bad for not knowing the girl's name, but (Y/N) seemed to already be friends with her. Next it was my turn, and I spun the bottle praying it didn't land on someone horrible like Mick. It stopped on a girl from my math class named Kelly. I chuckled awkwardly and quickly leaned in for a peck. She pulled away with a blush, and I noticed (Y/N) watching me carefully. We continued to play, and never once did I get (Y/N). That was just my luck though. I eventually excused myself and went upstairs for something to eat.

    "Yo Parker! What are you doing here?" Flash laughed. "You're not even popular."

    I ignored him as he continued to say rude things to me. I grabbed some food from the kitchen, and escaped upstairs to (Y/N)'s room. I'd spent my whole childhood hanging out at (Y/N)'s house, and I knew the layout backwards and forwards. Thankfully no one was in here, and I could be left alone in quiet. I looked at her vanity mirror and saw pictures of her with various friends. A few selfies with some of the girls I met downstairs in the basement, cheerleading group photos, some pictures with her parents, and finally I found a picture of us. I grinned at this.

    "Hey, Peter? What are you doing in here?" (Y/N) interrupted as she shut the bedroom door behind her.

    "Nothing, sorry. Just needed some space and quiet." I shrugged. She nodded and sat down on her bed. I sat down next to her.

"Oh." She went silent now, and I looked down to see our hands centimeters away from each other. I thought about reaching for her hand, and finally showing her that I liked her, but I chickened out. I turned to say something to her, but found her already staring at me. My eyes flicked to look at her lips briefly before quickly looking back into her beautiful eyes. She leaned in just slightly, so I followed. Our faces were inches apart, when I felt the moment was right. I wrapped one hand around the back of her neck, and pulled her into a real kiss. She kissed back immediately, and I was the one to pull away.

"I've liked you since forever, Peter." (Y/N) whispered with a huge blush.

"Oh you have no idea..." I mumbled, before kissing her again.


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