Take Out (Tom Holland)

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[Just a short and cute one! Nothing too dramatic on this...but I have some good long imagines planned that will be posted soon! Enjoy! ~M]

*Your POV*
"Baby, are you done with that?" I giggled, as Tom ate Lo Mein from a takeout container.

"No. No! You are not stealing my food again. I asked if you wanted me to order you some, but you said you weren't hungry!" He complained.

"But like...I wasn't hungry then, and I am now." I offered with a smile. He rolled his eyes and slid the container towards me.

    "You're just lucky that I literally can't say no to your cute face," Tom mumbled. He leaned in and gave me a quick peck on the lips. He pulled away and smiled at me. I took a few bites of his food before handing it back to him. I checked my watch, and let out a loud gasp. I bolted into the living room and turned on the TV. The new episode of my TV series was on tonight. Tom and I always watched each other's works, and we supported each other as fellow actors.

"Shit! It's on!" Tom yelled as he jumped onto the couch, almost landing on top of me. Tom laid his head down in my lap, spread out on the couch, and faced the TV.

     I ran my fingers through his curly hair as the episode began. I was in most of the scenes, and Tom would cheer every time he saw me. What Tom and I had was a mutual ambition for acting. He was more on the movie screen however, while I was better known for TV.

I continued to play with Tom's hair throughout the hour-long episode, and by the time it ended he'd fallen asleep in my lap. He'd had a busy day on set, and I knew that. I leaned down and kissed his forehead. He mumbled in his sleep, and I quietly admired his strong jawline, his beautiful brown hair, and how perfect his features were.

"I love you, baby." I whispered.

"I love you more," he replied with a smile on his face. His eyes flew open, and he looked up at me. He was awake! Liar!

"Faker! You weren't asleep!" I accused.

"I was actually, but if I'm being honest, all I want right now is to go cuddle in bed with you." Tom pouted his lips, still looking up at me from his position on my lap, and used his big brown puppy dog eyes to get what he wanted.

"Fine dork," I giggled as I pushed him up off of me. I walked towards our bedroom, and Tom's hands wrapped around my waist from behind before I could reach the bed.

"You look hot in just my T-shirt and your underwear." Tom smirked. His breath tickled my neck, and he pressed a chaste kiss to my shoulder. I shook my head with a smile, and he let go of my waist so that I could lay down.

"I'm so exhausted." He sighed as he plopped down next to me. He immediately pulled me into his arms and kissed the top of my head. It took only minutes for his snores to cut through the silence. We fell asleep like that, and woke up still in each other's arms.

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now