"Okay okay." Katsumi nods, her face dusted with a light pink. "Crystal make; Sword!" Katsumi breathes in before closing her eyes as she feels a surge of magic rush through her and into the palm of her hand.

"Woah..." Gray says in awe. "That's a pretty sharp sword ya got there Katsumi." Gray comments, making his two other ice ones disappear.

"Huh?" Katsumi then opens her eyes and in her hands is a massive curved sword, almost as clear as glass. "This is amazing." Katsumi wow's and glides her finger against the blade.

"Oi. Be careful, your magical energy made it sharp." Gray says, grabbing her hand and inspecting it. There was a little cut on her finger, but it oozes blood. Sighing, Gray takes her finger and licks the blood up. "Be more careful, idiot." Gray says, a blush covering his cheeks.

"A-ah hai." Katsumi says, her face flushed pink. "S-so I guess that will be it, won't it?" Katsumi says, retracting back her sword.

"Yeah, it's getting late." Gray replies. "U-uh, Katsumi." Gray stammers and faces her as Katsumi whirls to meet his blushing gaze. (o/////o)

"Yeah, what is it?" Katsumi asks, her eyes staring directly into his. "Is there something wrong?"

"I-I was wondering, maybe after your assignment tomorrow afternoon, would you maybe, uh..." Gray stammers. "Would you like to go somewhere with me?"

'A date?' Katsumi thinks nervously. "S-sure Gray!" Katsumi answers cheefully. "Just drop by the training fields okay?"

"Sure." Gray agrees as Katsumi runs up to Gray and hugs him lightly, causing his face to heat up faster then normal.

"Thanks... Gray." Katsumi says, before running off into her room. "I'll see you!"

"Y-yeah!" Gray answers before leaning back on a tree. He sighs and looks up. His body felt warm after that hug with Katsumi.

It's been a while since she had actually hugged him afterall. He missed the old her, but he, as a friend, had to accept Katsumi, and bring her back.

"A date it is..." Gray mutters happily. "What have I gotten myself into?"












"Where is this guy...?" Katsumi whines, swinging her legs up in the tree. "It's already afternoon, and way past lunch."

Katsumi's eyes twitch as she sees a guy with light blue hair and a t-shirt wander onto the fields, holding a steel sword, a dumbfounded look on his face.

"This is the guy?" Katsumi sweatdrops and drops down from the high tree branch. "Yo! Over here!" She smiles and waves.

Hebiyo looks over and grins. "Oh hey! Sorry I'm late! Got lost in this huge town." Hebiyo screams. "I'll be over in just a sec." He shouts frantically as he dashes over to her in seconds.

'He's fast.' Katsumi thinks. "It's alright. This town is pretty big afterall." Katsumi says with a small smile.

"So anyways, who are you?" Hebiyo asks, before his eyes widen. "You're not the guild master are you?! You're so young!"

"I'm the same age as you." Katsumi says with a sweat drop. "And no, I'm an S-ranked wizard at Fairy Tail and I've come to asess you on your abilities."

"A test?!" Hebiyo screeches loudly, making Katsumi flinch. "Ahh! I wasn't prepared! And now I'll be even more distracted with a pretty lady standing in front of me! What do I do?!" Hebiyo frantically runs around, screaming 'What do I do?!'

Katsumi blanches at the sight and sighs. "It's a fight. I've heard your abilites are pretty good. So you should do well." Katsumi says. "Now please get ready. I'm not going full strength, but please don't underestimate me."

"Not full strength?" Hebiyo pouts. "Okay okay Ms. S-rank. I'm a sword user, so I hope you can duel me with weapons too!"

Katsumi nods with a smile. "Yeah, I'm also a weapon user." Katsumi says. "But I'm trying a new type of magic, so please bear with me as well."

"Oh yeah, what type of magic do you use?" Hebiyo asks curiously. "I'll tell you mine!"

"Alright. Mine is lightning dragonslayer magic, and I'm also learning the crystal element magic." Katsumi informs. "How about you?"

Hebiyo freezes on spot. "Y-y-y-y-you're a dragon slayer?! Woooooah! That's so cool! I wish I could be one too! Maybe like earth dragon slayer! That would be co-" Hebiyo cuts himself off quickly. "Oh ya! My magic is snake magic!"

"Snake magic?" Katsumi repeats incredulously. 'It can't be him. He shouldn't be bothering me for a while.'

"Yeah! It's super cool too! I'm grateful for my snakes too!" Hebiyo grins a cheeky smile.

Katsumi smiles at his childish attitude. "Alright then, let's get started. Crystal make; Katana!"

A crystal liquid starts to rapidly change into a thin, yet long sword, sharp enough to slice through boulders. Hebiyo gazes in total awe and amazement before snapping out of it.

"Oh ya! Sorry!" Hebiyo apologizes sheepishly. "Okay! Release! Ken no Hebi!" Hebiyo pulls out his sword, as it starts to glow a mysterious purple. The sword then transforms into a long curveous blade, with snakes made of gold wrapping around the hilt.

"Nice sword." Katsumi comments as Hebiyo blushes and scratches the back of his neck.

"Yeah. It's pretty sweet." Hebiyo answers. "It's super strong too."

"Let's see about that." Katsumi challenges. "Now let this battle begin!"

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