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Camille's POV

I don't know how to reply to Eric, after our long history we had together my heart still skip a beat when he calls me that but I can't forgive him for what he did to us. I don't know if to put a gun to his head, run away or give him a piece of my mind. I felt a hand on my cheek bringing me out of my thoughts and I subconsciously leaned into it before I caught myself and step back. I saw the hurt in his eyes but I don't care he deserve to hurt maybe now he would understand how I feel. "I'll be in my room don't call me unless necessary" and walked out I just don't want to see him right now or have their eyes on me anymore.
"Willow can you let me in we need to talk." I felt the door to my mind open and the sight I saw shocked me, there is willow crying her eyes out, she is suppose to be the strong one, the one I'm suppose to lean on when I'm weak but now the roles are reversed. "Do you want to tell me what happen?" "He was the first guy I ever loved but he did something that hurt me and I couldn't forgive him even if he is the devil what he did the former devil who is his dad was embarrassed by his action I just couldn't be around him anymore that's the same night I found you I vowed to protect you with my life because you reminded me so much of myself that I knew I couldn't let you go through pain I'm sorry I waited so long to fight back I'm sorry Cammie, im sorry I wasn't strong enough for those two years to protect you." Willow broke down and I ran to her embracing her and comfort her, I need to find out what happened between to two of them but I need to let her rest first then his ass is mine to chew nobody hurts one of us without the other coming for you.

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