Life Update

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Hello everyone! I am working on the newest chapter, I am very sorry for the delay. I've been working really hard on something very special to me. I am in the process of starting my own buisness. It's going to be a ceramics shop as well as a place for teaching crafts. It's taking a while because funds are low, I can only save so much with my bills and other things. Don't get me wrong, I will keep at it till I get things going! However, if you would be willing to help at all, checking out this link would mean a great deal to me. Even if you don't wish to donate, sharing the link would be incredibly helpful as well. I really hate to ask for help, but realistically I'm going to need it. The faster I can get this going, the faster I can get back to writing. Now, this does not mean I won't be updating if I can't make the funds, this story won't die yet! Anywho, you can learn more here:

I also have an Instagram and Facebook page going for the shop to be as well. I greatly appreciate all of those who are reading this story, and I'm sorry to post this, I just figured I may as well try. I value you guys a great deal, so this will be my only waste of a chapter on this topic. I will post updates on my page, and I am will be posting shout outs to anyone who shares this link or donates. I can put your name, or a link (if you have a page, art, story or other things you wish to share), and it will go on my Instagram and Facebook page. The only thing that won't be shared are R rated things.
Thank you so much for your patience, I'm really sorry about this. Please be empathetic or at least don't hate me for this, my options are incredibly limited ATM (the materials I need are no longer available due to various reasons), I won't be advertising anything else again. If you have any questions or concerns please message me and I would be happy to do what I can. Thank you. I'm sorry.

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