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We continue to play. "Winners!" Sam shouts. "One nil" I say coming up to Jonah. "Not for long" he says. Sam gets a phone call. "Ok everyone outside, it's time for the gender reveal!" She yells. I walk outside beside Jonah. "You nervous?" He asks. "No, I've got you" I say smiling. He kisses me. "Ok so everyone line up" Sam says. Jonah and I are at the back. Everyone throws darts at the balloons. Gold glitter comes out of everyone. "Now it's your turn" Sam says. We both throw the dart, the balloon explodes as gold glitter comes out. "Wrong balloon" she says. They turn the board around. A giant balloon is revealed.

We through the dart again. We watch as more glitter falls. "Sam" I say. "Press the button" she says hand us a buzzer. I look up at Jonah. I peck him and we both press the buzzer. We hear cracks and see white fireworks. "Sam, stop making it so suspenseful" Jonah says. "Press it again" she says. We press it again. The fireworks stop. We both look at her. She points up. We watch the pitch black sky, the suspense killing us. Crack crack. Pink fireworks are set off. I cover my mouth in shock. "Congrats your having two baby girls" Sam says. Tears spill out of my eyes. Jonah holds me.

We spend the rest of the night playing games and having fun. "Now we need to start working on names" Jonah says once  everyone has left. I need to change first" I say. I walk upstairs and get into a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. I lay on the bed beside Jonah. "I've got some names here" Jonah says. "I like Mia-Rose, Alexis, Aimee and Belle" I say. We spend the next forty minutes deciding on names. "I think we've got it" I say. "Yeah" Jonah says. "Well I'm gonna go to sleep" I say. "Good night" I say. "Love you" Jonah says kissing me.

*skip four months*
"Three weeks and these children will be here" I say excitedly. "Amelia we need to talk" Jonah says seriously. "So I was with the boys and David last week" he starts. "They are talking about starting up a tour" he says. "When?" I ask. "Seven months" he says. "You can't Jonah" I say. "What about the girls" I say. "They will only be six months old, you can't leave" I say. "Nothing is official" he says. "You can't go" I say on the verge of tears. "Amelia please" Jonah says. "What about me, what about the girls" I say. "They will miss you and I'd be doing this by myself Jonah," I say tears spilling out of my eyes. "I won't go, I won't go" Jonah says. "I'm sorry" I say. He hugs me.

"I'm gonna go out with the boys, I'll be back later" Jonah says. "Ok I might invite the girls over" I say. "I love you" Jonah says. "Love you to" I say. He walks out as Christina walks in. We talk for a bit waiting for the others to show up. Sam walks in the door with Gabby. I can't stop thinking about what Jonah said about tour. "Amelia!" Christina tells my name. "Huh What?" I question coming out of my thoughts. "What's up?" Sam asks. "David wants the boys to go on tour again" I say. "Corbyn was telling me" Christina says. "When" Sam asks. "Seven months" I say. "The girls won't even be one" I say. "It's gonna be ok" Gabby says.

We decide to go for a walk, by walk I mean spend every last cent we have. "Please Get this" Christina says. "Looks like I'll be at the gym for the next seven months" I say smiling. "But yeah I'll get it" I say. "Cool, we can be gym buddies f I want to fit into this" she says holding up her dress. "We're back" Gabby says. Sam and Gabby went to the bathroom.

We all decided to go to Menchies "Listen it's Talk" Gabby say. The boys song starts playing. I face time Jonah. "Hey baby what's up?" He asks. "Listen" I say. "Is that our song?" He questions. "We got it to play, were in menchies" I say. "I see you" he says. I look out the window. "Oi crazy people, the boys are just there" I say. They walk in and immediately start singing. We all laugh. "Come one lets go home" Jonah whispers. We sneak off leaving the others there.

Jonah and I sit on the couch watching yet another movie. We hear yelling as seven people burst into our house. "You ditched us!" Daniel yells. "Answer your damn phone" Jack yells. "Let me sleep you annoying people" I say burying my face into Jonah. "David needs us" Corbyn says. I hold Jonah's hand tight. "Maybe next time" Jonah says. "Ok" Zach says. "We should probably go" Christina says. We hear the door shut. "Are you sure your ok?" Jonah asks. "I just have a headache it will be fine" I murmur.

It's been a week. I'm now laying on the couch, more headaches. I hold my stomach. Holy crap "Jonah!" I yell. He rushes downstairs. "I think my water just broke" I say. "Holy crap" he mutters. I stand up and we both rush to the car. I feel my nails dig into the seat as my contractions start.

36 hours later.
25th of December 00:05  Mia-Rose Marais 6lbs

25th of December 00:08  Alexis Belle Marais 7lbs.

I hold my baby girls in my arms, I can't take my eyes off of them. Jonah holds Mia as I hold Alexis. "I'll get the others" Jonah says. I take Mia. I can't keep my eyes off of them. "Hi" I hear a gentle voice. Jonah leads Logan and Jake in, followed by Zach, Daniel, Corbyn, Jack, Gabby, Sam, Christina Chloe and Erika. "Hi" I say still watching my two miracles. I look up, I've never seen the boys like this. Logan and Jake both in awe. "Want to hold her" I say giving Logan Mia. "Here" I say giving Jake Alexis.

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