Chapter 5: Rainy Weather

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     The moment Coy came back to reality, bile filed his mouth and burned his throat. The scent of rotting food was too much, and his body screamed in pain as he shot up and rolled over to throw up. Coy blinked, making sure his eyes were open once he finished spilling his guts, and attempted to use a hand to cover his nose, but he ended up smearing something on his face. Coy tried to find his footing inside of the dumpster, as that's what he assumed he was in from the ludicrous amount of garbage in here with him.

     Coy finally managed to get a good foothold in what he assumed was someone's left over happy meal box and shoved the lid on top of the  of the dumpster, his tired limbs shaking at the work. He managed to open it just a bit and almost considered staying inside.

     Rain pounded on the lid of the dumpster, creating a dull roar that Coy hadn't registered due to his senses being overtaken by his current situation. After a moment of consideration, he decided that being soaked was better than smelling like trash. He pulled himself out of the dumpster, and was immediately pelted by icy rain. It washed away whatever trash was clinging onto him, by simultaneously made him stiffen from the cold as it seeped into his bones, and did no miracle for his bruises, and his black eye. Coy felt himself, and checked for his cellphone and bag, even his wallet. He had nothing at all except, quite literally, the clothes on his back. Coy let out a shout of frustration that was drowned out by the rain.

     Coy shivered and wrapped his arms around himself in attempt to warm himself. Coy searched for some cover from the rain. He couldn't go inside of the McDonald's, he had no money and probably looked just as bad as he felt. He spotted a bus stop across the street, and began running towards it, even though he was already drenched.

     He ran across the sidewalk, not noticing that the crosswalk as red. When Coy was in the middle of the road, a horn sound near him and was fast approaching. Headlights flashed dangerously through the rain, and Coy practically leaped out of the way as the car speed by, horn still blaring. The consequential wave further of the car going through a puddle soaked him even further with muddy street water. Fed up, Coy let out vile string of curses, spatting at everything from his luck to his day to the driver of the car that almost ran him over.

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