Chapter 4: Spilled Cola

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     He took a quick shortcut through an alley, and emerged on the desired street, and strolled over to the Mcdonalds. Since Coy had a bit of time, he went inside, and spent a bit of cash on a Coca-Cola and a quick burger. He quickly ate the burger and started walking round back, to toss the wrapper in the dumper as he walked round the building.

    A guy in a hoodie came from opposite direction, slouching as he walked, and headed straight towards him. Coy stepped aside just as they were about to pass to avoid confrontation, but at the same time, the guy took a step in the same direction. This resulted in Coy's coke getting crushed in between them.

     Coy muttered a "sorry," and went to continue on his way, sighing at the coke that spilled on his shirt. But before he could continue, the guy grabbed his shoulder.

     "Hey," The guy said, and Coy turned back around, "This is a new hoodie, you're gonna buy me a new one."

     Coy raised an eyebrow, "It's just Cola. It'll wash out," He responded plainly.

     The guy glared, "You're still gonna buy me  new one, kid. Now hand over your money."

     "Am I getting mugged?" Coy asked, confused. The guy in the hoodie glared in annoyance.

"Yes. Now hand over all that money you were flashing earlier."


The hoodie guy gave Coy a confused look, while Coy responded with a blank face. No one ever just simply agreed with an "ok" like that.

     During that moment of confusion, he took the opportunity the punch the guy in the face, and bolt. The hoodie guy cursed a horrible sting cursed, directed at Coy and clutched his broken nose.

     Just as Coy was about to break free from the alley, another punk came around the corner and tightly snatched his backpack, holding him there. He couldn't ditch his bag, it had his money and cellphone in it, which also happened to be his ticket home.

     Coy struggled to get away, and lashed out at the guy behind him.
The guy who had grabbed him was a lot bigger and stronger than him, and much more intimidating than the hoodie guy. Coy unintentionally flinched back at the buff guy and glared at him.
     From behind, his knees were knocked out from under him, making him scape his knees on the rough concrete of the alley. A foot connected with his side, and he gasped out in pain. He managed to catch a glimpse of the hoodie guy again as he kicked him again. Coy was yanked up, and a fist connected with his face.

     Coy groaned in pain and felt blood rush out of his nose. He tried to fight again, but a hand gripped his hair and Coy cried out. Another blow struck his face. He kept hitting him, while the buff one just held him there. They only stopped once his face was distorted and swollen, and he was half blinded from swelling.
The bulky guy dropped him and Coy crumpled on the ground. His bag was pried from his shoulder, and desperately, he gripped onto one of the straps with everything he had, attempting to keep his bag. Coy was kicked in the ribs again, and shouted out in pain. Coy snapped into a fetal position to protect himself, and his grip on his bag loosened. It was snatched away from him, and he no longer had any fight left in him. 

     "Just throw him in the dumpster or something. Someplace no one can see him." The hoodie guy sneered.

     Coy felt himself getting picked up like a ragdoll, and he gasped in pain as a large hand made contact with his injured ribs. The pain was becoming nearly overwhelming, and black spots filling his vision. Faintly he heard the slam of metal and he was released. He landed in something wet and squishy, and the scent of trash was what finally knocked him out.

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