Part 14

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All done their break fast..
And malhotras started but kaanchi stops radzz and says..
Kaanchi:-radzz if u go home then colz u will get late so u stay here we will leave from here only.
Radzz:-but i have to get freshen up right.
Kaanchi:-u can wear my dress and coming to books no need as today whole colzz will be in reharsal for our colz function
Radzz thinks and looks at ap and and dp.
Dp:-ok then go from here …
Radzz:-ok dad thank u..
Danny:-i will pick u and kaanchi at evening and sees namish watching him angrily and hides his smile…
Ap:-ok then we will leave beta…
And nice beakfast kusum.
Kusum:-thank u aunty…
Ap goes neae tej and we will again meet soon …
Tej:-sure aunty infact i love to Meet u..
Shaleen smiles at tej and shake hands with arnav and arjun ..
They leaves to their house …
Tej and all goes inside house..
Kusum:-ok u both get ready i will drop u..
Arnav:-kusumu have exam right u prepare for that me and arjun will drop them.
Kusum:-ok then.
Radzz and kaanchi goes to their rooms.
Remaining all goes to their rooms.
Tej comes out and sees arnav who already ready in suit and reading newspaper..
She goes and sits with him and says.
Tej:-bhai i need to tell u onething.
Arnav:-hmm shaleen is trying to knew about our past thats it naa..
But he failed do chill..
Tej:-that means u made him to fail in getting infornation
Arnav:-being a big brother i have too right.
Tej:-my brother is best and hugs him..he too hugs her..
Arjun:-mee ..

Arnav and tej turns and sees him tej stands up and goes to him and hugs him and says u were my world best kid..
Arjun:-hugs her and says thank u mumma.
Tej arranges his collar and says perfect…..
They three sits..
Kaanchi and radzz comes…
Kaanchi:-bhai lets gooo..
Tej also gets up and calls kusum and says to br carefull …
Tej leaves in her bike and
Arjun and arnav sits in front seats of car and radzz and kaanchi sits at back…
They both drops her and leaves to office..

Rajnath:-sakshi we will visit arnav
house at evening ok.
Sakshi:-hmm ok and khushi i hope u remember them.
khushi:-some wat maa i sawed them at last when i was 10 years old u knew na u people send me to states later to chotai maa..
Raj:-no problem u will meet them may then u remember them.
Khusi:-hmm ok maa..
Payal comes and about to sit khusi gets up and helps her to sit..
Payal:-thank u..
Khushi:-welcome babhi…
Shaurya:-dad i am going to head office to report and from their i will try to meet teju…
Khusi:-we all are going to their house at evening naa u also come then…
Shaurya:- i want to meet my ash specialy not with u all u knew..
Khushi:-i just want to see her the way u r face is glowing from that time…
Shaurya:-u will …dont worry first let me join in my duty ok.
Bye payal take care.
Payal:-bye…if u meet teju say to her hi from my side..
Shaurya:-ok bye maa bye dad….
Tej visiting all construction sites and seez a small girl crying their.
She goes towards her and leans down and asks her..
Tej:-wat ur name why r u crying..
Girl gets scared and starts moving back.
Teju:-ok ok dont get scared did your asked u not to talk strangers right.
Girl:-i dont knew where is mom and dad left me here and sees teju with tears and comes forward and wipes her tears and says are u too getting hungry.
Teju:-why u asked like that.
Girl:-when ever i feel hungry then only i will cry or else i wont cry even when dad beats me.
Teju:-ur dad beats u.
Girl:-hmm he left me here night Untill now he didnot came.
Teju:-will u come with me i will make u eat and i will give you clothes and do u like to study..
Girl:-i dont knew wat is studies.
Teju:-if u study u can wear clothes like us u can but carz and u can built buildings like that.
Girl:-hmm u wont beat me naa..
Teju:-never my pretty girl and takes her with her and leaves to office but soon gets a call from arnav.
Arnav:-tej go to malhotras company immediately u have to sign on few papers ..
And buys a few food packet and water bottle and gives to girl..
Teju gets down with girl and goes inside office..
All starts watching her weirdly..
Girl gets scared and holds teju hand tightly.
Teju shouts on them loudly..
Teju:-do this company paying u for Eyeing me and for gossiping just put your damm heads in your systems..
Danny comes out from his cabin.
Danny:-is any problem and sees girl and says who is she ..
Teju:-danny will u help me just take her to your canteen and give something for her to eat..
Danny:-ok and forward hand but that girl wont give and stands back of teju..
Namish comes and sits on his Knees and says princess will come only with prince .do u knew
If u come with me i will make eat a lot of food.
Girl sees at teju.
Teju:-go with him and eat wat ever u want and come back with him only ok…
Girl nodes and says he also wont beat me naa.
Namish:-why i will beat this cute little princess..
Namish takes her with him.
Dp and shaleen are watching this from their cabin…..
Danny takes her to shaleen cabin..
Tej:-hi uncle bhai said that u need few signs..
Dp:-haa and hand overs files ..
Shaleen:-who is that girl..
Tej explains everything by signing
On files….
Dp:-how can people behave like that..
Tej:-u should say how can a dad behave like that infact her dad is wat better uncle instead of killing her or selling her he left her..
Shaleen:-wat nothing is good option.
Tej:-its better to beg than selling body shaleen jii u wont understand..
Shaleen and dp danny looks at each other and a peon comes and says an ips officer came to meet u sir..
Tej:-wats his name..
Peon:-he didnot say madam.
Tej:-ok did he have blue eyes.
Peon:-haaa madam yes weird eyes.
Shaleen:-allow him
A person knock door and steps in.
About to speak.
Tej:-unbelivable ips offier shaurya jiii..
Shaurya:-oh finally my ash baby and hugs her ..she too hugs him.
Tej:-i said na i will meet u later after my work.
Shaurya:-i too said naa i want to meet u and be with u whole day
Tej:-u will get bore in my work u wont find challenges..
Any way meet them.
Shaurya:-let me guess
Durga prasad malhotra jii and takes blessing from him
Shaleen malhotra and danny malhotra and where is 3rd one namish malhotra and ofcourse radhika malhotra will be in colzz.
Tej:-u will never change.
Shaurya:-its part of my duty..
Tej:-oh yaa gathering information about people whom i am meeting
Shaurya:-he he ..possesiveness
Tej:-done uncle here are files and gives to shaleen.
Shaurya:-ok done come lets go.
Tej:-wait …
Namish comez back with that girl.
Shaurya:-so finally namish malhotra is here and goes towards him and hugs him
Namish:-who r u.
Shaurya:-shaurya goenka.
Namish:-ips officer.
Shaurya:-yaa see teju how cool response he gave to me..and who is this.
All looks at him.
Tej:-dont get surprised by seeing him he is a cross breading of arjun and kaanchi.
Shaurya:-wat chiii..
Tej smiles and says every thing about girl..
Shaurya lifts her and says wow
First case is so pretty and sweet heart will u come with me we will find your dad.
Girl nodes..
Shaurya:-meet u at evening ash bye
Tej opens mouth and scolds back stabber see one day i will drags u to this business world….
Shaurya:-only u were not workholic even meee too.
And leaves

Tej :-hi how is payal.
Shaurya:-she is fine having 7 month…
Tej:-ok i will catch u later…
And uncle i need to check few requirements about related to construction…
Dp:-yaa shaleen u go with her…
And leaves..
Namish:-ur name given by him ids good ash baby
Tej:-smilez and says is it not nice
Danny:-awesome but wat u call him after all u both were childhood frds..
Shaleen:-wat and three laughs and says nice name..
Shaleen:-ok come lets leaves to material department..

Precap:-shaleen and teju.
Shaurya and arnav family moments…

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