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It was a night pretty much like any other for us now, Ed doing his typical famous thing and his beloved girlfriend accompanying him as much as humanly possible, and me avoiding her as much as I could.

He'd done his promo, accepted his award, thanked me and Stuart and Taylor and (mistakenly?) not his own girlfriend, and I could tell it didn't go over well by the snippy comments she was making at me as we walked back over to the parking garage, escorted by security out to the space.

I got in my car, watching with a bad taste in my mouth as he gave her the only helmet, helping her on the back of a motorcycle he'd somehow obtained. She kissed him on the cheek, and I cringed, putting the key in the ignition and heading out for the convenient two minute drive back to the hotel.

We settled back in, our bags already placed upstairs, and I didn't wait for them as She stumbled over her six inch heels to get inside, as Ed kept a safe hand on her arm, holding doors and her hand. She was using him, and had been since it began late last year.

When we all came downstairs to the bar, I felt a bit more comfortable. Changing out of the dress I'd worn to the show, I threw on a pair of his hi tops he'd loaned me and some worn out, faded jeans, and a nirvana teeshirt. It was overwhelmingly formal for the occasion.

I had to laugh when She came back downstairs in a dress as fancy as what she'd worn to the show, just more racy. I flipped my ponytail over my shoulder in amusement as she clawed at her peroxide curls with her bright red nails.

"So, Ed," I said, managing to pry his eyes away from hungrily staring at her, and they met mine with trust and comfort, "Good job tonight." He smiled, ducking his head in a thank-you, "I'm fucking tired though. You wanna come to the lounge thing on the bottom floor? They probably have water," he teased, knowing I wouldn't drink if I wasn't alone with him.

"Sure, yeah. I guess I'll go then, urm, I don't think someone else is appreciating this," I glanced over his shoulder at Her, "So I'll meet you down there."

"Yeah sure thing," was his reply, walking back to her with more words heavy on his lips but none of the weight leaving as she took his arm and his hand found her back.


Things went relatively well as alcohol soothed the angry tension and created sexual tension, most of Ed's friends telling him goodnight and leaving with their girlfriends for inevitable reasons. However, Ed was a touchy drunk, and even though he was only a bit tipsy, and she was wasted, he came over to chat me up.

"Teddy," I warned, instantly regretting the pet name that only proved that I liked him more than I let on, "You know you'll cause shit, where is She anyway?"

He sighed and looked behind him when he tore his eyes off of my face, smiling dumbly and letting it fade as he squinted into the dim light, not seeing Her.

He called her name, hiccuping, and got off the barstool he'd seated himself beside me on, grabbing the bar as he touched down unsteadily.

And there she was, sitting on another barstool with Shane, one of Ed's friends from the studio, her hand on his knee and him buying her another drink. I saw Ed tense, but he dropped the case, squaring his shoulders and kind of chewing on his bottom lip as he walked to her, out of my earshot.

He'd taken her hand, and she'd shaken her head before he put his palm to her forehead, likely covering it in orange makeup as he did so. I could practically hear the sympathetic words he was probably giving her as she looked queasy, and he gestured back to me with his thumb before walking back over.

"She's not feeling well, and neither am I to be honest, and so I guess we're heading back to the room. Ill see you tomorrow, Lauren." I felt my heart sink, and I noticed him fumble in his rucksack that he took everywhere to fish out a bottle of ibuprofen.

"How many?" He asked, and then looked back to where she'd been sitting, "Must've gone back to the room already. How many do I take her?"

"2," I said, laughing internally about how she herself was a headache. "So yeah, I'll see you tomorrow Ed. Get some rest and don't be too hungover."

"I'll try," he said with a smirk, waving bye and heading to the elevator, pills and a glass of water from the bartender in his hand. I knew he was coming back, even if he said he wouldn't.

Shane would be back down anyway, and he was one of Ed's closest friends, and they'd want to drink themselves silly and probably get dumb tattoos. There were so many people still, everyone too tired to drink and party but too awake to sleep.

So I just waited for when Ed would come back, fiddling with the strings on the tears of my jeans. I smiled at the thought of having a normal conversation with him again, and I counted down the seconds.


Part Two continued in next chapter xx

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