“Harry let me see your hand” I say pulling the hand in my view

It’s black, blue, and swollen. Great, how am I going to get the outfit now

“Looks like you broke your hand” I said trying to comfort him

“Hurts like shit” He said back

“I bet” I said laughing, now I come to wonder, why did he punch the wall in my room? When did he get in my room?

“I came in here when I heard you walk out” He said, acting all mind reader ish

“I better take you to the hospital” I said


After about a 30 minute drive, 4 hours in the hospital, and 30 minute drive back. All for a diagnosis with a broken hand bone and a cast.

I realized that it’s 6pm, great they didn’t show up, I mean why would they I guess?

“Nat, were going to One Directions special concert tomorrow” Harry said to me, breaking the silence that’s been going on for many minutes.

“Oh my gosh, Harry yay thank you so much” I said hugging him, I really don’t enjoy doing this

Oh well I get to see One Direction in person and hear their wonderful voices

“Yeah, my friend asked if I wanted to go and he gave me two tix” He said bluntly

“What time should I be ready tomorrow?” I asked

“Well the concert starts at 1pm, so we will leave around 11pm”

“Ok that’s great!” I said

I decided I better eat a sandwich and head off to bed, it’s getting quite late.



I drifted off thinking about One Direction, One Direction, One Direction, and how I’m going to deal with Harry Styles. Ugh


---------------------The next day--------------------------

“Wake up buttersock” Harry said, waking me up. What in the hell did he just call me?

“Ugh, go away” I said still half asleep

“We’re leaving in an hour” He said, yup now I’m awake

“K, I’ll be ready” I said

I completed my daily routine in 44 minutes and 3 seconds, and yes I timed it. My daily routine consisted of showering, brushing my teeth, blow drying my hair, making breakfast, getting dressed, and lastly putting a light cote of make-up on

Yes! With 15 minutes to spare

While I’m sitting on the couch waiting for Harry to come out I see him come out, but he is only wearing boxers. I mean ONLY, no shirt, no pants, not even shoes…

Damn he has one nice of a body, well I guess he does have his own personal punching bag

“Harry we have to leave, put some bloody clothes on” I say

I must say, if old me saw me right now, she’d slap me

And also think, WTF  is wrong with her?! Eh, whatever

Next thing, he walks over to my sitting next to me, still no clothes except boxers, lovely. I wonder what is going through that boys head. He reaches over and gives me a kiss on the cheek, I wince to his touch and he whispers into my ear

 “I had a feeling you never lost your memory, you didn’t even have a concussion”

And then turns my stunned face, gave me a kiss on the lips

“I’m going to get dressed, we’re leaving soon” He said

Oh hell I’m in some deep sh*t, what is he gonna do and why did he kiss me?



Hey, even though none of you are reading or commenting ill try something

If you can guess the name of the song this comes from, I’ll dedicated the next chapter to you

“Do I sound like a helicopter? Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr”

Alright well there’s my challeng, GOOD LUCK MY INVISIBLE FRIENDS!

Love you all, even if there isn’t any of you. ‘Tear’



Harry's my Bully (One Direction fanfic/Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now