Rory froze, she took her phone away from her ear to see if she wasn't hearing things. And on her screen was his picture of him smirking along with his name shining brightly in front of her eyes.

"Ace? You still there?" Logan sounded very concerned after such a long pause.

"Crap." Rory muttered under her breath, hoping he wouldn't hear.

"Hey...." Rory said weakly as she put the phone back to her ear.

"Hey Ace. What's wrong?"

"Oh uh, nothing. Nothing's wrong." Rory said sniffling a bit.

"Rory. Talk to me."

"It's nothing really. Me and mom just had a little disagreement and right now I am going to go talk to Lane so bye!"

And she immediately hung up, she was very nervous of hearing his voice once again after what felt like so long.

Rory then picked herself up and made her way to Lane's.

She knocked frantically.

"Lane! Lane! I need your help!"

Lane rushed to the door.

"What?! What's wrong?!"

Rory came in and they sat down in the kitchen.

"Me and mom had a argument and when I was going to call you I accidentally called Logan and I didn't know what to say really and after I couldn't take it of hearing his voice, I hung up. I don't know what to do Lane!"

"Woah, slow down. What did you and Lorelai argue about?"

"Okay, um Lane. Promise you won't freak out."

"I promise."

"I'm pregnant."

"Congratulations Rory! That's good news. It is good news, right?"

Rory nodded, "I guess. I mean this child was made from love. And I don't want to get rid of it."

"So the father is Logan, right?"

"Yeah, but I don't know what to do. Mom freaked out and doesn't want to see me, nor speak to me at the moment and I don't know if I should tell Logan or not."

"Well for one, you should definitely tell Logan. He has a right to know about his child."

"I know I just - ugh! This is so frustrating!... Wait. What time is it?"

"9:58. Why?"

"The wedding! Oh no. Grandma. I got to go. See you in a few hours!"

Rory rushed to the house and she heard Emily's voice in the living room so she made her way to the back. She sneaked in and went into her room where her dress and all the things that she needed laid out on her bed and desk.

She locked her door and changed.

She wore a dark blue knee length vintage dress that was covered in lace. Her 3 inch simple silver strap heels complimented the dress and matched with the silver dangling earrings. The make up was simple and gave a more natural look. Her hair was curled and pulled back by diamond pins. She looked at herself in the mirror and looked down at her stomach. Even though she wasn't showing yet. She didn't know what she was going to do to hide the fact that she can't drink.

"Rory dear? Are you in there? We need to go or we are going to be late. Your mother already left in the first carriage with your grandfather."

Rory went over to the door and opened it.

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