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Holy fucking shit. He is so beautiful, I CANNOT 


It was a warm summer morning of 1992. The clock on the wall striking ten, ticking quietly. Luke rubbed his eyes and rolled over in his bed with a small yawn. He threw the covers off of himself and stepped down on the cold wooden floor. He lazily ruffled his hair and walked to his kitchen, getting himself a glass of water. 

He took a sip of the water and stared out his window. 

He's 19. Recently moved into his first house by himself. It was very small. It had 5 rooms in total. Two bedrooms, an office, a bathroom, and a kitchen that was connected to his living room. It was very cute and Luke liked it, he had a small yard as well. 

He had about two weeks left of his summer holiday before he started at The University Sydney. He was excited but terrified. Luckily, his friends attended the University, though his friends could be dicks, he still liked them. 

Luke sighed and put down his glass in the sink, before going back to his bedroom. He tugged at his lip ring while looking through his closet to find some clothes. He glanced at the rainbow flag he had hung up on the inside of the closet door. He made it himself out of some t-shirts he cut up and sew together. 

Yeah, Luke is gay. He isn't out to anyone, because he could risk getting beat up. People wasn't so accepting of the LGBT community. They saw it as disgusting and a choice, which is just stupid. Luckily, people were starting to accept it a bit more. If Luke had a choice, he wouldn't be gay. His whole family hated gays and said some very disgusting thing about the community. One of the reasons Luke will never come out. He tried loads of things to try and become straight. He had tried kissing girls and dating them, he even went to church! But, none of it worked and he just gave up and tried accepting himself. 

And the way he did that was to make a rainbow flag and put it in his closet along with his sexuality. 

He licked his lips and pulled out a stripped t-shirt and some pants. He threw it on and tucked the shirt into his pants and put on a belt. The boy really didn't have anything to do that day, his friends (Michael and Ashton) wasn't home they were both on vacation with their families. Luke could visit his parents, but he would rather not. He cracked his knuckles and went over to his nightstand and opened the top drawer where his cigarettes were.

He grabbed the packet and his lighter, went to his window and opened it and sat down on the windowsill, with his knees bended and arm resting on his knee. He took out a cigarette and lit it, taking a drag and leaning against the window frame.

He looked at the house beside his. No one lived there, or so he thought. Because all of a sudden he saw a guy in the yard. He had a leather jacket on, despite the heat. He looked around Luke's age, maybe a year older. The guy had his back turned so Luke couldn't see his face. He blew some air out of his nose. 

Then, the guy turned around and locked eyes with Luke. Luke's breath hitched and he quickly looked away. Fuck, he was hot. The guy in the leather jacket smiled and cutely waved. Luke awkwardly smiled back and waved with the hand he had his cigarette in. Luke started to become a bit nervous when the boy walked towards him. 

"Hi!" the guy exclaimed as he jumped over the small fence that separated their yards. "Hey." the brown-eyed boy pulled out a cigarette packet from his pocket and asked, "Can I borrow your lighter?" Luke shrugged and handed the lighter to the boy. "Sure," he mumbled with his cigarette between his lips.


The guy lit his cigarette and leaned against the fence, placing the cigaret on his lips taking a drag. 

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