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the doorbell had rang again that night, and this time will jumped out of his bed and ran to the door. he smoothed down his hair and clothes in case it was a new boyfriend of joyce's that he didn't know about. 

will was surprised to see mike wheeler standing in front of him, usually pale cheeks pink. 

"oh, um- hey, will," mike greeted him. will smiled, before realising that he was shaking. "are you okay, mike?" 

"yeah, its just cold out-" "mike! mike, mike, mike, mike, come in!" 

will moved aside to see jonathon and joyce standing behind him. mike nodded, walking in humbly. joyce sent a look to jonathon, and then looked over at mike. "well, we'll leave you two to it, then!" she said rather brightly, pulling jonathon behind a wall, where they were obviously listening in. 

mike shifted. "well, umm, i came to see if you wanted to go out with me? like- not a date, i mean, like, go out like to take a walk or something?" he asked, flustered. 

will, suspicious of his friend's mysterious behaviour, agreed with a small nod, holding back his smile. he rushed to his room to get in more appropriate attire. the boys left as soon as will was ready, as having jonathon and joyce spying on you from around the corner isn't the best thing in the world. 

will hiked his bag farther over his sweatshirt-clad shoulder, smiling as he took a deep breath of the fresh air. "so, where to, mr wheeler?" he asked, grabbing mike's hand. mike coughed. "uh, i was thinking that maybe we could go to that cliff past the woods? on the other side of the quarry?" "sounds good." 

will and mike walked in silence, their hands still connected. will practically cut off the blood circulation in mike's wrist when they walked through the forest; bad memories flooding through his head. 

eventually, the pair made their way to a small clearing, where they looked over the opposite side of the quarry. will let go of mike's hand and immediately ran to the very edge of the cliff, sitting down and letting his legs fall over the edge. he got out his sketching supplies and began to draw the familiar landscape. 

"hey, be careful over here, it's a long way down." mike said softly, sitting next to will with his legs crossed. will nodded, leaned into mike's arm and continued to draw. 

mike took a deep breath. 

will shifted when he felt the other pull something out of his bag. 

"will, this is for you. i, uh, i know that you like to draw the sky and stars and stuff so i thought you might like to have a closer look at them." will gasped as a hand-held telescope was placed onto his sketchbook. it was heavy, weighing down the book, but a mix of beautiful dark purple and gold- will's favourite colours. 

he squealed, attacking mike into a hug. "thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyousomuch!" 

will carefully put the telescope up to his eye, but his vision was blocked by what seemed to be a slip of paper. he took it out. for will, the front read. he unfolded it. 

would you be my boyfriend? that sounds more like a statement than a question, im sorry. william byers, would you bestow upon me the greatest honour of being my boyfriend? 
♡ mike

will stared at the paper, his jaw slowly dropping and his heart almost stopping. 

"sorry that was so blatant... i understand if you don't want to be, im not trying to force you or anything... i just know we like each other and-" will pressed a small, sweet kiss to mike's mouth, shutting him up. 


hi!   its  sakura  again.   once  more, 
many  thanks   to   the   few  people 
who  read  this!    i  hope  you  liked 
this   ending   better  than  the  end 
of the max book.  next up:  collide, 
reddie, which should be published 
as    you     are     reading     this     <3 

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