Chapter 2

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... my dad,she said,it's just that, he got a new job."

„But that's great",I interrupted her.

„No.because the job isn't here,it's in Florida,so we have to move there,I have to change the school and we can't meet often anymore."
I looked into her eyes and for a moment I didn't know what to say.I didn't know what I should do without her,she was my best friend,I knew her since kindergarten,and now she would just move away and leave me?

I couldn't take it,and realized that tears streamed down my face,I just said:„I'm no feeling good",and ran to the toilet.Miley followed me and hugged me.„I'm so sorry Aria please believe me that,I don't wanna leave you,I'm so sorry." Then I told her that it was okay and I was just a little bit shocked about the news and it was just to much because today was the last day of school and this was already a bittersweet day and then the news i was just shocked.That was probably the first time that I lied to Miley but I needed to because I don't wanted her to feel this bad,I don't wanted her to,worry.

Then we went back to the classroom where our teacher,Mrs.Cooper,already started with the lessons.Okay you couldn't call it lessons on this day,we just played some games,then we got our school report and were allowed to go.On the last school day Miley and I usually went to Mc Donald's for lunch,but I lied to her that I had to go and help my mom,then we agreed to meet tomorrow and I went home.When I arrived at home I just went to my room and started crying...

I'll post part 3 in 2 days (2nd August)

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