Chapter 6

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The group kept running farther and farther away from their schools until they reached downtown (Newt had slowed them down a bit, he was starting to limp around since his foot was so bad). While making their way through the bustling crowds, they overheard some conversations amongst the city-folk.

"-cancelled because a student was infected-"

"-headmaster didn't want anyone to catch it."

"The fairs were always so much fun!"

Minho led them into a dark alley as the sun began to set. The students caught their breath.

"We...need to get out of these clothes." Harriet panted, "We've already gotten some strange looks from people."

Thomas looked down at his clothes. He hadn't noticed before but he, along with the others, was still wearing parts of his school uniform. The boys had taken off their blazers beforehand since the night was a bit warm, but they were still in their dirt and blood stained shirts and trousers. The girls were in similar conditions.

They sent Brenda out, who was by far the cleanest of the group since she hadn't been in the school during the mass execution and Teresa now had blood staining most of her skirt since she had tended to Newt's wounds. They waited as Brenda returned almost an hour later,

"There's a shopping center not far from here. I know the owner's son, he'll help us," She stated, "but we'll have to wait until the whole mall closes. He said he'd sneak us in and we can get some new clothes, use the bathrooms with the showers, eat something. But we have to be out of there with the place clean before they open tomorrow."

Thomas sighed of relief. A bath and a good meal sounded wonderful to him. It was a Sunday, which meant the mall would be closing within the hour. The group started towards the mall, Brenda leading the way. They arrived and Thomas's eyes opened in surprise as he saw the shopping center.

To say the least, it was HUGE. It reminded him of a castle, with neon lights illuminating the darkened corners and cars continuing to empty out of the parking lot. Brenda lead them around the enormous building to a door near the back. She knocked softly,

"Aris?" She called through.

Thomas felt his stomache drop as he recognized the name that Brenda had fawned over when she thought he wasn't listening. He set his mouth into a straight line as the door creaked open. A muscular boy with dark hair stepped out, and began to usher them in. Thomas entered through the door, "accidentally" stepping on Aris's foot in the process, and found himself in the security room.

"I'm so sorry about what happened. Brenda told me... I had some friends who were up at the academy." He stopped for a moment before continuing, Thomas saw a look of pity on Brenda's eyes which infuriated him even more.

"I hope you guys have some sort of plan, that bastard neads to go down. I would stay, but I have to get home, or Dad'll get worried."

He handed Brenda a golden card that reminded Thomas of a credit card.

"This is the only card that will give you access to every store in this mall. When you leave, put it on the desk in my dad's office near the back," He pointed down one of the hallways, "I left it open but when you close the door behind you it will lock. Please don't do anything stupid, I'm just trying to help out...a friend." He gave Brenda a sly look that she returned. Except his look have more of a "should I tell them?" vibe while Brenda's look gave off a more "DON'T YOU DARE!"

"Well, I think that will be all. Good luck you guys." And with that he quickly left. The eight of them crept out of the security room and took the door marked "exit" to the mall itself. The inside was even more impressive than the outside, even when it was dark. Glass chandeliers hung from the ceiling, passing every floor of the building. Thomas counted 8 floors, the last floor occupying the food court.

Brenda lead them to a store that had the name "Wicked Fashions" blinking in neon lights. She swiped the card and the door unlocked, letting the eight of them in. She proped the door open and began to exit as she called behind her, "I'm going to find the bathrooms and unlock them so you can grab your clothes and shower before you change." She disappeared as the seven of then silently browsed the store. Thomas picked up a greenish- grey T-shirt and black skinny jeans. He looked around a bit suddenly he felt something on his head. He swiveled around and saw Teresa, smiling. He reached up to his head and felt a red-knit beanie.

"You should wear it. It looks good on you." She smirked and continued on to find clothes for herself. Thomas held the beanie and couldn't help but smile. But before he could move even another inch, Teresa appeared again.

"I think you have a right to know," she said as she bit her lip, "but Brenda... She's been dating Aris for a while and I don't know if she broke things off with you, but i don't think it's fair that she keeps on leading you on like that. You're a decent guy and maybe she'll think I've betrayed her or something because of this but what she's doing is wrong."

She stopped and waited for Thomas to reply. He couldn't say anything for a moment as he looked down at his shoes, also covered in dirt. He would have to get shoes when he was finished showering. He looked back up at Teresa and nodded before silently turning around and heading towards the bathrooms, leaving her standing there.

He walked for a bit and found the restrooms, with the door already propped open. He walked towards the door, about to open it all the way when he heard it. Moaning. Thomas stood where he was, letting the anger build inside of him. He knew exactly what was happening behind that door, and he did not want to see it. Teresa was right, and he knew she was too, before he came here. He quickly opened the door and passed Brenda and Aris making out half naked by the door on a chair. Brenda gasped out, "Thomas!" And the two of them stopped. Thomas let his anger flow into his next few words,

"You two should've kept the doors locked."

He then continued into the shower, stripping naked as if no one was there, and cleansed his body, ignoring Brenda's gaping mouth.

He put on the new clothes, including the hat, which he actually really liked. Before he left the bathroom, he threw away his old clothes and shoes, walking barefoot towards the bathroom door. The golden card that Brenda had before was still sitting on the chair that she was in, so Thomas picked it up and walked to the shoe store across from the bathrooms. He picked up some sneakers and a fresh new pair of sock; and then he stayed in the store for a while, enjoying his moment alone to think. He knew Brenda was leading him on, and yet he still stayed with her. Maybe he wanted to feel like someone needed him. Except, now he knew Brenda definitely didn't. He let thoughts like this cloud his brain for a few moments until he had one single thought to clear his mind.


She had been nothing but honest with Thomas since he met her. Plus, she had practically saved Newt's life. Thomas decided maybe all girls weren't so bad and returned to his other friends in the clothing store. He saw that Brenda was now in the store with new clothes on, but Aris had left already. To show Brenda that he honestly didn't care, he gave her a smile, which she returned with a baffled expression.

Thomas was really enjoying himself.

He had been gone for a while, and in the meantime almost everyone had showered and got new shoes from the store that Thomas unlocked. One of the last people to walk in was Teresa, who looked beautiful in a jean jacket and a loose tank top underneath. She was wearing a short black skirt with leggings and combat boots, making her look equally badass and hot. Thomas smiled at her and she returned it.

Chuck was suddenly next to him, in a black shirt and jeans, nudging Thomas and giving him waggles eyebrows. Thomas pushed the kid away, laughing lightly.

He hadn't felt this free since he started school at the Academy.

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