Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

*Photo: Katherine back in England, 1492 with Elijah. Here, she is still human and not on the run from Elijah's brother, Klaus. Both Elijah and Klaus are Originals.

"He took my hand." Katherine said.

"You married him?" Dean said with distaste.

"He was only a half century older than me." Katherine tried to defend herself.

"So you broke it off. What's the big deal?" Damon said, getting impatient.

"I broke it off- more like ran like hell once I found out who he was loyal to. Klaus."

"Doesn't end well in a relationship with you, does it?" Damon smiled, succeeding in his attempt to get on her nerves.

"After I left, that was the last time I saw him." Katherine continued, adding a quick glare at Damon, who only smiled.

"Sam, what is it?" Dean asked.

"How long were you married to him?" Sam asked.

"Not long. Less than five years."

"So you're saying that you could pick up his patterns?"

"I guess."

"So she could help us?" Stefan asked.

"Yahtzee." Dean replied.

"I haven't seen him since the 1500's!" Katherine retorted.

"You rememeber that Klaus dude pretty well." Dean reminded her.

"I, unfortunately saw Klaus Mikaelson again." Katherine frowned at the Original Hybrid's name. "And it was under a century ago."

Sam and Dean traded doubtful looks. They knew Katherine was a useful tool against Xavier. They just didn't know how to use her. Someone pounded at the door. Sam and Dean tensed, insticntively. They all eved the front door. Elena went to get the door. They all gave her looks to be careful. Sam felt like he couldn't just stand there so he went with her. Dean sighed, unable to leave his little brother alone, since he felt it was his job to protect his little brother. Ever since the night their mom died. Dean got to his brother just as Elena opened the door. Elena looked around outside in confusion. There seemed to be no one at the door. Just as she turned to tell them, with great speed and agility, an arm pulled Sam by the neck. Sam looked up into the cold, blue eyes of Xavier. Elena stared dumbfounded unable to move. Sam was a tall, grown man. It seemed difficult to grab him like that.

"Dean!" Sam shouted.

"You stay away from my brother, you toothy son of a bitch!" Dean growled, coming at him.

"I will. When you invite me in."

"I think I'll pass." Damon said, appearing behind Dean.

"Yeah." Dean agreed, "What he said."

"I'm not as stupid as I look." Xaiver said. He clenched his jaw as he tried to keep hold of Sam who was fighting with every muscle he had against Xavier.

"Stay away from my brother," Dean threatened, meanacingly. "Or you'll regret it."

"This little thing?""Come on, now. I was just starting to have fun with him!" Xavier smiled evilly at Dean. "As you do, ... Dean."

"So the dead man talking to me and who I'm going to put a wooden stake through is also stalking people? How is that not rape-y?" Dean retorted.

"Like I said, Dean Winchester. I'm not stupid. Someone wise would keep an eye on you."

"Clearly not you." Dean stared at him, daring.

"Well this one likes to push." Xavier commented.

"That's my brother, you stupid son of a bitch." Dean charged at him.

"All I have to do," Xavier gripped Sam's neck. "is apply a little pressure..."

"No!" Dean yelled.

"But Dean! I can't have you killing me. It's fun in this town. They cover everything up."

"Apparently not as well as you thought." Dean retorted. "Give me my brother, or so help me, God..."

"I don't need him anymore anyway." Xavier pushed Sam into the Salvatore Boarding House. "I have my contingency plans."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Dean asked.

"You'll see soon enough." Xavier said with a sly smile. Like almost everyone else in the room, he was older than he looked. His manner was so old fashioned it seemed like he accidentally tripped into our time. Xavier cut his arm. Sam held the same place on his arm in pain.

"They're linked!" Stefan shouted.

"Linked?" Confusion was all over Dean's face.

"A hunter like you should know how a linking spell works." Xavier said. "This spell doesn't require any hex bag."

"Hex bag or not, what the hell did you do to my brother?"

"I'll try not to have your brother as a demo." Damon said."Whatever you do to him will happen to Sam.

"So we can't kill Xavier without killing Sam?"

"Exactly. I told you I'm not stupid." Xavier said, smiling again. "Goodbye for now." Xavier's grin became wider. He sped off into the setting sunlight.

To be continued

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