Chapter 4: Katherine Pierce

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Chapter 4: Katherine Pierce

*Photo: (from left to right) Stefan, Katherine and Damon in 1864 in front of the Salvatore Estate (not the Boarding House. The Boarding House, as Stefan tells us, was built a half a century later).

"By the way, I'm Dean Winchester, this is Sam." Dean said.

"So Sammy's the braniac." Katherine smiled slyly at Sam.

"He's the only one that gets to call me that." Sam replied with annoyance.

"So what did they tell you about the elusive Katherine Pierce?"

"Enough." Dean replied.

"Enough?" Katherine scoffed. "They left out the saga and the Salvatore love triangle and the quote-unquote 'fire'

in Mystic Falls back in 1864?"

"We know you're not likeable." Dean said.

"And that you turned the Salvatores in 1864."

"Not all me. I hear I had help with the second part of Damon's transition."

"What are you talking about?"

"To become a vampire you die with vampire blood in your system and feed on human blood within 24 hours or you die." Katherine explained, happy to not sugarcoat it. "Besides, I wouldn't like me, too if you don't know my place." She sighed and twirled her hair in her fingers."You know, be in my shoes as they say."

"In the place of person who describes themselves as elusive?" Sam retorted, raising a brow,

"I've been a vampire since 1492. I was 26 at the time. I had to leave Mystic Falls, but I wanted to see them again. Especially Stefan. Being a vampire, I could be away for a lifetime. It was 1864, and Sam knows how long the average lifetime span was." Katherine eyed Sam wth her brown eyes, searching for understanding in his face.

"So if you're into the guy," Dean asked trying to comprehend, "Why'd you turn his brother?"

Katherine was about to answer, but stopped. Katherine sighed with annoyance. In a flash Damon, Elena and Stefan stood before the two brothers. Damon and Elena eyed her coldly. Stefan remained calm and was able to hide his annoyance.

"What are you doing here, Katherine?" Damon demanded.

"I heard they were hunters, so I got curious. I got dissapointed when I saw the vervain bracelets."

"Dissapointed?" Dean felt offended.

"Yeah, we know the other kind." Sam said.

"Just because we're that kind doesn't mean we don't hunt the supernatural." Dean saw their faces. "That's evil." He added, smiling sheepishly. He looked away from them.

"I heard you're not even from Virginia." Katherine said, obviously flirting with Dean.

"You're like 600 years old." Dean said, trying to get her attention off of him.

"I'm 541." Katherine retorted. Dean and Katherine traded looks of distaste. "Excluding Elena, every vampire here is about at least a century and a half old."

"Katherine, what is the real reason you came here?" Damon asked sternly, folding his arms.

"Damon..." Katherine warned him mockingly.

"Why'd you come back to Mystic Falls?" Damon said, getting impaitent.

"Damon, be nice. You have guests."

"Shut up, Katherine and answer my question." Damon snapped. The Winchesters jumped at his tone. Elena gave him a look to calm down and stay back.

"A freind of mine in Mystic Falls told me she heard something." Katherine replied.

"A rumor?" Stefan asked.

"One point for Stefan Salvatore." She smiled at him. She quickly became serious she sounded afraid. "The vampire who killed those two girls, you do know his name, right?" Katherine asked.

"Girls?" The WInchesters chimed.

"Yeah. It's Xavier." Damon replied quickly.

"You're joking." Katherine said full of anger and surpirse. There was a hint of horror in her voice. "No, you're making it up!"

"What's it to you?" Sam asked, becoming curious. "Why so scared of Xavier?"

"I should be asking you the same thing, now." Katherine retorted, witty.

"Just answer the freakin' question." Dean spat.

"I thought he was new when I first met him."

"Newbie vampire?"

"One point for Damon." Katherine sighed before continuing. "Xaiver met me when I had recently came here. Then I was still called Katerina." She eyed Sam and Dean. "I was originally Katerina Petrova before I became Katherine Peirce."

"You'e from Europe?" Sam asked with surprise.

"Bulgaria." Katherine replied, nodding. She took a breath before continuing. "I was on the run from Klaus, the Original hybrid."

"Hybrid of what?" Sam asked.

"Half vampire, half wolf."

"A vampire and a Lycanthrope?" Dean was surprised. He couldn't figure out how it would work.

"A werewolf who doesn't have to turn and a vampire who doesn't get burned by the sun." Katherine replied. She could see Dean was processing it all. "It was 1498. I was only a few years new, as a vampire. I had gotten the hang of everything."

"Get on with it, Katherine." Damon said impatiently.

"Xavier and I got friendly with each other. I was more into everything, because as some of you might of heard my parents just died. Murdered is a better word. By Klaus because I ran."

"From what?" Sam asked.


"Just asking."

"Then I was the doppelganger like Elena is. Klaus needed to drain every last drop of blood from my human body. Just so he could be half a dog again."

"Katherine, I don't care." Damon said, annoyed. Katherine gave him a look. "You owe us a window."

"Xavier took my hand."

"He what?"

"In marrage."

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