Chapter 3: Stefan

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Chapter 3: Stefan

"Did Bethany have any enemies?" Dean asked.

"To an animal?" Sarah retorted.

"I know this must be very painful for you, but we have to consider every possibility." Sam replied.

"Try everyone in the sophomore class of Mystic High. I was one of her few friends."

"If you could make a list of all her enemies, who would be at the top?"

"Stacey Fields and Leah Mathews."

"Were you there at the party the night before?"

"No. I wish I was. Stacey and Leah were there all night."

"How do you know?" Dean asked.

"They never leave a party early."

"Thank you for your time." Sam said.

Sam and Dean looked at each other and nodded. They left the Grill in a matter of seconds. Dean parked the Impala in a more private spot before unlocking the trunk and opening it. Sam and Dean looked behind them before opening the bottom compartment which was an arsenal.

"I guess we have to stock up on this vervain stuff." Dean said, placing a sawed-off shotgun to hold the lid up.

"Yeah." Sam agreed, grabbing the bracelets they had braided with vervain.

"C'mon. We should go back to the Boarding House." Dean said as they got into the Impala. ***

Elena and Damon held hands as they laid on Damon's bed. Damon sped off the bed, hearing someone. Elena followed. They looked at each other and sped down the stairs. The front door opened. Elena breathed with relief.

"Stefan!" Elena hugged him. "How was it?"

"Great." Stefan replied hugging her back. "She's getting better. I feel like I can trust her."

"Remember," Damon warned. "She's still the manipulative-."

"I know." Stefan said. "She's getting better." He repeated. "Anything new?"

"There's a vampire in this town that could expose us." Elena said. Damon shot her a look. "He should know. It's safer that way." They were interrupted by a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Stefan said. He eyed the two brothers at the door.

"I'm Dean Winchester and this is my younger brother, Sam." Dean introduced.

"You find anything?" Elena asked peering behind Stefan. "

"Yep." Dean replied."We may know who can find him for us." •••

"This is a bad idea, Dean. We've never hunted these kind of vamps before."

"We're fine. It's not the vamp we're after. Yet."

"This is still a bad idea."

"Shh." Dean said.

Leah and Stacey looked around them. They knocked on the metal door of the abandoned building. A man with a ring answered the door. They smiled happily as they held out their arms. To the Winchesters' surprise, he drank from both of them

"Xavier!" They chimed.

Sam and Dean traded disgusted looks. He let them inside. Sam turned to Dean, both of them still in awe.

"We have to tell them." Sam said.

Sam and Dean eyed Stefan.

"We told him. This is Stefan." Elena explained.

"Good." Damon said.

Stefan moved aside. Sam and Dean entered the Salvatore Boarding House. Sam and Dean felt sheepish with Stefan looking at them the way he was.

"Sam and Dean came here from Lebanon."

"Richmond, actually." Dean said.

"We're hunters." Sam explained.

"HUNTERS?" Stefan looked at Damon and Elena. "No wonder they came here."

"Stefan, they're not that kind of Hunter." Elena said. "We could compel them."

"Not that kind?" Dean asked.

"We mean the 5 supernatural beings created by the witch Quetsiah to cure and kill the immortal Silas." Stefan explained.

"Who happens to be his doppelgänger." Damon added.

"There's doppelgängers in Mystic Falls?" Dean asked with surprise. "I thought they were rare."

"Well meet two of the last doppelgängers." Damon said.

"There's only two?"

"Magic is balanced. Witches are servants of nature. If you have two immortal beings nature makes a version of them that can die." Stefan explained. "Doppelgängers were born every 300 years or so."

"Vampires can't procreate, so the line ends with us." Elena said.

"You're forgetting another brunette." Damon reminded them.

"And Katherine." Elena said with a nod. She made a face.

"Hey." Stefan said. "She's getting better."

"Where we've been, vampires don't like sun, can be put down with dead man's blood and can be killed by beheading. Here you guys seem to not like vervain. Is there anything we should know before ganking a vamp?" Dean asked.

"I guess all vampires naturally don't do sun." Damon said. "You can't kill us like that."

"So you're saying that you're more Count Dracula than the ones I've beheaded."

"I guess." Damon replied.

"Salvatore is Italian. We can do garlic." Stefan said.

"Sunlight isn't an issue?" Dean asked.

Sam knew sunlight had to be a problem. They were vampires. Elena and Stefan had opened the door for them. They didn't even flinch when the sunlight hit them. Elena had a ring with a small, blue stone in the shape of an oval on her finger. He looked at Stefan and Damon's hands. Their rings were almost identical; a large blue oval, the same blue as Elena's, with their first initials in calligraphy in metal over it.

"The rings, right?" Sam asked. "I mean you all have the same blue stone, you're all vampires and the sun isn't an issue."

"You're the nerd of the group aren't you?" Damon asked.

"It's that obvious?"

There was a smash of a window. Sam and Dean traded understanding looks and pulled their vervain bracelets to hide them with their sleeves. Something sped by them. The Winchesters looked around to find themselves alone.

"Hi." She twirled her curly brown hair in her fingers.

"Elena? What's going on?"


Dean shot Sam a confused glance. He remembered what they had said about doppelgängers. They looked down at her hands. It was daytime and she wasn't wearing a ring. She was wearing a bracelet with a single, blue oval with a bit of metal for decoration. Elena's hair was not much shorter and had bright pink on the bottom of her loose curls.

"Son of a bitch." Dean spat, knowing who she was.

"So you two are the boys I've been hearing about."

"Katherine, right?"

"Mmm. You are the brainiac." Katherine smiled tastefully. "Hi."

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