"Do you really have nothing better to do with your life?" I growled back, Cheshire looked shocked a moment, probably surprised that I have an open contact with Slade at all times.

"I cannot continue my work until I retrieve the next piece of equipment, which Cheshire is getting for me this evening." He said and I could hear a grin in his voice, "One of those paintings are not what they seem Robin, and you are there to assist Cheshire in stealing it."

"You're here to steal a piece of art?" I turned back to face Cheshire.

"Why else would I be here?" She answered, "Art bores me. But stealing gives me a thrill, which you should well know."

I didn't respond, just poured myself a glass of' wine' which was actually just carbonated juice, probably planned out by Slade, and looked out over the place, looking for escape routes and the like. If I was going to be stealing a painting, I'd need a way out, a maybe a way to trap Cheshire in so the cops would get her. But then my eyes snagged on a newcomer.

She was stunning in every way, but also someone I could not approach. Raven had styled her purple hair with extensions so that it looked less like her and was wearing an off the shoulder midnight blue dress. Why does she have to be here? Why couldn't they have sent Beast Boy as a fly or something?

"You know her?" Cheshire purred as Raven started talking to the staff.

"You could say I used to." I replied as she was shown over to our table.

Of course, she's taking my booking, and I made sure to put myself as close to my suspect as possible. Damn it, I'd just have to pray she didn't recognise me.

"Hello, I'm Rachel." She said as she sat down, "It's a beautiful place, decorated nicely. And the artwork, simply stunning."

"Rachel," Cheshire greeted her back, "My name's Jade and this is Richard."

"You look familiar." She mused, "Have we met before?"

"Probably at one of Bruce's many gala's." I said as I shook her hand, "But please, call me Dick."

"Oh, yes." She flushed slightly, "Bruce Wayne's ward. How could I forget? It explains the excess news reporters."

"Yeah, they all wanted to meet his new girlfriend." Cheshire grinned, "It seems he just doesn't have a private life."

"It would seem not." Raven mused as she poured herself some wine and went off to examine the art.

"That's a Titan, isn't it?" Cheshire asked once she had departed.

"Raven." I replied, "She often takes the alias of Rachel Roth when she's out like this."

"Well, this has made for a perfect plan." Cheshire said and I looked over to her, "Just after the betting has been done and they send the work out back to be packed, you keep her busy, take her for a dance or something, and I'll grab the painting. Once that's in the car and on route to Slade, I'll come back and we'll finish the evening."

"That won't work." I said, "Someone has to stay with it whilst it's being delivered. There's no telling what might happen to it on the way."

"That is good thinking Robin." Slade said and I rolled my eyes, "But don't worry, I'm coming to pick it up personally."

"So how do we do that?" Cheshire asked, "Either of us go missing Raven's sure to notice."

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