Chapter 9

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|| harry || 

I finally caught up to her outside, in the garden behind the club. She was sitting on a bench with her face in her hands. 


"Please. Just go away." She whispered. 

I continued to walk toward her. "Gabrielle," I said, kneeling at her feet. I tried to catch her eye but she looked away. There were tears streaming down her face, smearing her makeup but she still looked beautiful. She always looked beautiful.

"Harry, could you just please, please go? I can't talk to you right now." Gabrielle begged in a hoarse voice.

"I'm sorry but I can't. Do you know how long I've waited for you? Hoping I'd see you at some grocery store the next day, praying that you'd call or text me? I've kept my distance for a month. Do you know how hard that was for me? I told you before that I liked you, as more than a friend, and now I'm telling you I love you."


|| gwen ||

I had no clue which direction Harry ran off too. I took of my heels because my feet were aching. How the heck did Gabby run in heels? Whatever. It didn't matter. It was a waste of time. Maybe Harry was just chasing after her because she had his phone. I could see Gabby doing that......well, I could see myself doing that but I had the guy. I was on a date with him, wasn't I? But then again, why did Harry leave me in the dust to run after Gabby?

And that was when I saw them, their silhouettes in the moonlight by the fountain. Harry moved in so that their bodies were close and then......they kissed. 

I caught my breath and I just stood there, tears forming in my eyes and my heart being torn in pieces.

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