Short Story Boo! There Goes Fear

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Book Name: Boo! There goes fear
Genre: Short Story
Author Name: CrownedMadness
Judge: SaachiDudani

Cover: Woah! I'm scared seeing the cover itself. It's so dark and scary. I wonder if this story is for kids? But I liked the cover.Score: 0.8/1

Title: Boo! There goes fear. Awww! That's childish but cute. It does relate with the story. And children would definitely not mind the title, so didn't I. Score: 0.8/1

Description: Too short. If you would tell that to a kid, I question he wouldn't understand. You can work on the description a bit. Score: 0.5/1

Beginning: Woah! What great minds do you writers of one shots have! More than anything else, I would appreciate this story because it's with a moral and not too descriptive. It's a perfect story for kids. However, I would have liked if you had mentioned the dialogue speakers at all places because since it is a kids reading story, they would get confused, nah? Score: 1.6/2

Total: 3.7/5

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