Teen Fiction Billion Dollar Problems 🏅

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Book name: Billion Dollar Problems

Genre: Teen Fiction

Contestant name: demidork25

Judge Name: MusicReader92

Cover: 0.8/1

I actually really like this cover, but I'm not sure how it fits with the title. I love how the font matches the background, the separation between the title and picture, and the overall aesthetic to it. But, it just doesn't say "billion dollar problems" to me. Maybe after reading a little bit of it, it might match, but right now it doesn't for me. The cover definitely intrigues me, I would probably pick it up and read the description in a book store.

Title: 0.95/1

I really like this title, it has meaning behind it, it intrigues me, and it definitely matches the description. It has depth behind it, which a lot of titles don't, so great job. I can tell that you thought through the title instead of just stating the obvious. The only problem is that it just doens't match the cover to me.

Description: 1/1

The description definitely hooks me. I think you wrote the description very well. You included enough details to pique my interest, but left some of it out, making me want to read the book. Honestly, I wouldn't change anything about the description. Great job!

Beginning: 1.8/2

The first thing I notice with your book is the chapter titles. You clearly think these through, I love them! I literally laughed out loud with the first chapter title, and it really keeps that interest, so great job there. I always find it very hard to write from my characters point of view, but you are doing an amazing job with that. What you are writing as the main characters feels so real, and the style of it fits her character perfectly. Your grammar is also really great, I only spot a couple little things here and there (which is totally normal). One thing I would suggest though is to add more transitions. A few times, it seems a little choppy to me, I definitely think you could make it flow smoother, so just keep an eye out for that, and work on that. Also, some of your paragraphs tend to get a little long. I always struggle with this, because I am a really descriptive writer, as are you. Find places where you can add a paragraph break, add some transitions, and boom, your paragraphs are shorter. I really like the idea of this book, and the way you execute it is great, I will definitely be reading it once I am done judging! Great job!

Total: 4.55/5

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